Chapter 12: Meeting Bill's Friends

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__---(Bill's POV)---__

"Hey, gang!" I yell out. They all came in-front of me and waved. I was in complete joy that I finally get to meet my friends again! 

"This here is 8-Ball" I pointed to the green monster that had 8-balls for eyes. 

"Teeth" I next pointed to a walking teeth monster. 

"Keyhole" I pointed at the miniature walking blue monster with a keyhole as a forehead. 

"Hectorgon" I pointed to a red hexagon with a mustache. 

"Pyro-" I was pointing to the pink lady with one eye. 


"Okay, Okay. Killjoy..." I mumble. "Guys... you need to go back. (Y/n) will beat my ass if you don't." 

"That's right. And I will do it to monsters too." (Y/n) spoke with pride. I placed the palm of my hand to my forehead. I shook both of them and pointed to the rips in the sky to motion them towards it. 

"What makes you think we will just go willingly?" The pink lady said with sass. She snapped her fingers from right to left. 

"Sassy? Now isn't she?" (Y/n) sasses back. "I will beat you in a matter of minutes... Don't try me, cupcake." 

"Let's go.. Muffin." The pink one-eyed monster growled. 

The two began with punches and kicks towards each other. (Y/n) grabbed Pyronica's hair and yanked. A dust cloud formed and hid the two, shielding our eyes to protect us.

"WANT SOME ICING WITH THAT!" (Y/n) roared. Pyronica collapsed out of the dust and her flames lowered. (Y/n appeared, having her t-shirt and shorts ruined. She painted and regained her stance. 

"Anyone else" she huffed, taking more deep breaths. My other friends frantically grabbed one another and they flew out of there, taking some of my friends who couldn't fly. Even Pyronica grasped on to someone and they took her with them. They all flew to the big X in the sky, where they will never again return. The big X in the sky was gone, but the little rips in the sky weren't...

Pine Tree, Shooting Star, and the others came running after us. Dipper was holding one of the journals in his hands.  "Guys! Guys!" Pine Tree arrived, gasping for air. "I think I know the answer to all of this..." 

__---(You're POV)---__

I sat down on the ground, next to Ciel and Dipper. We all formed a circle around the journal.

"And this is suppose to" I muttered to Dipper, placing my hand on my wounds. 

"It helped us defeat Bill, why not some rips in the sky?" Dipper placed his hand upon mine, which I was confused about. 

"Mister Pines.... I don't even like you in that way.... You know I have feelings for Ciel." I spoke, feeling hatred of the enduring heat from my cheeks.

The words made Dipper flush with crimson red. "I-I didn't mean it like that! We are suppose to hold hands to make it work..."

Ciel, on the other hand, was growing his hate among Dipper. I could tell by the expression he was holding. Ciel gently and aggressively took my hand, and sat, staring at Dipper. Everyone grabbed each other's hands and Dipper began to chant some words. 

"Slushayte nashi slova o velikiy skotina! Ibo my dolzhny vy pomoshch' v nashe vremya v sluchaye neobkhodimosti! My predostavim Vam lyuboy zapros, to tekh por, poka ona ne zakanchivayetsya v nashey smerti!" Dipper yelled out, clutching my hand even harder. 

"What the hell did you say?" I whispered to Dipper. 

A giant monster's hand appeared out of the journal and grasped around the edges of the book and lifted itself out. 

"What do you want this time" The giant monster's body was out of the book, and boomed his voice. The monster's body was muscular and blue. He had gold cuffs around his wrists and a little pony tale on top of his head. He even had a scruff of a beard too.

"We need you're help... Our dimension is falling at it's seems and we need to sew them back up." Dipper spoke shamefully. 

"I'm busy! I have a friend who needs my help too." the blue man yelled, which made the ground shake. 

"Look, I'm sorry you need to get back to Aladdin, but we seriously need you're help!" Dipper yelled back, taking no for a answer. 

"Fine..." the blue man grumbled. He lifted himself up, revealing his legs. He took a needle and thread and began to sew the rips in the sky. "You owe me one, little man." The blue man mumbled. 

After he was done with all of the sky rips, he jumped into the book. After all that was left was his hands, he closed the book from the inside and was gone. We all sighed and cheered. 

"WOOO!" A chunky man yelled and waved his shirt around. I took a deep breath and sighed. Finally... It's over. This probably the end of seeing this dimension again.... But Dipper will probably miss me, which is fine but... I need to let things go from here. I beckoned Bill over to my side. 

"Bill.. Do you're zippy powers please." I stated in a calm manner. He did as he was told and we arrived back in our own dimension. We seriously need a vacation now... 

I went into my room, tired and grumpy. I slammed my head against my pillows and decided to sleep for a while.

__---(Ciel's POV)---__ 

I went inside (Y/n)'s room to see her asleep, bombarded by pillows and stuff animals all around her. I sat on the edge of her bed, stroking her hair. 

"One day.... One day..." I mumbled to myself. I opened the door to go out of her room, but she mumbled something. 

"Ci-Ciel..." she mumbled quietly, still asleep. "I love you.. Don't e-ever think that I don't." She began to cry. I walked by her side, petting her hair. She had a peaceful look upon her face once I did. 

"Shh.... It's okay... I would never think that. I love you for who you are, (Y/n)... Nothing can change that..." I spoke in a whisper, trying not to wake her. I got up from her side and left the room, closing the door in a soft manner. 

I sighed and rested my back against her door, thinking how I would say those words to her... "I want you to be apart of my life...No.. Too modest.. I want it to be.. special..." I spoke to myself. My time is running out soon. I need to get this off my chest. I can't keep secrets from her anymore.. especially this one... because if she finds out before I tell her, she will do inexplicable things.. 

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