Chapter 7: Secrets...

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__---(You're POV)---__

"Bill, we seriously need you're help on defeating Angela and bringing us back to our world... please....I don't care on being a demon or a human, I just want to be with Ciel..." I said to Bill with puppy eyes.

"You'll have to make a deal, though. How about I'll help you, in exchange for you're hand." Bill said with a evil grin. My hand? I thought he might ask for my demon powers... A hand is way better than my demon powers!

"Sure, but don't do anything funny with it. Which hand are you going to chop off?" I asked, being curious and all.

"Oh... you're left one... It's going to be quick and painless, so don't worry." Bill's grin still plastered on his face.

"Fine, It's a deal." I placed my hand in front of him, wait for the blue flames to engulf me. I squinted my eyes to prepare for the pain, but no pain has come. Just the motion of both of our hands.

"Perfect~! Glad you accepted, my Yin and Yang!" Bill purred into my ear.

"I thought we've been over this, I'm Ciel's! No one elses...." I hissed. My hand wasn't gone... What the hell did he mean, 'take my hand'...

With a snap of his fingers, I was in a wedding dress with white flowers all over it. God damn it, he meant a hand in marriage... I was at the alter, being forced by two baby demons.... "Bill, you said a hand...." I growled, not liking the fact that I was tricked.

"But I did mean a hand, you're left one. In marriage..." Bill's grin widened even more. "Oh! I can just imagine all the places we will be! We will be the most powerful dream demons in the world~!" Bill chuckled softly. Sick and twisted was what he was.... And a smart one at that.

Sebastian came through the doors. Finally, don't like being this close to a demon here... "Let go of Kitten, this instant! You know you can't play games like that..." Sebastian had his teeth out, snarling.

With the snap of my fingers, I changed to what I had earlier. I slapped Bill a crossed the face and left with Sebastian. Bill, following shamefully behind, started pouting and throwing mini tantrums.

When we arrived back in the woods with Ciel and Dipper, waiting patiently, they had smiles on their face. With their smiles triggering mine, I kissed Ciel passionately on the cheek. "Sorry... Anyways, where were we?" I boomed my voice. "I believe we were trying to get Bill on our side to defeat Angela" Sebastian's voice sounded calm and seducing as ever.

"I'll do it, only if I get Gravity Falls!" Bill cackled. I slapped a cross the face again and held his shoulder, holding a fist in the air aiming straight at him. "Join us, or else.... Bowtie..." I urged him to comply. He sheepishly nodded and I removed my blood thirsty fists from his face.

"Glad to hear. Now, Dipper... I owe you some explanation, don't I?" I chuckled at myself, rethinking of the lies I told him. I told him the long and boring story of how I turned up here, which I had no clue to how to begin with.

"SO YOUR NOT FROM GRAVITY FALLS!" Dipper yelled holding his brain. He was in utter shock. 'Damn it...' I muttered under my breath.

"Bill, create a portal to Angela. Now." I urged. "We cannot waste our time in this dimension..." I muttered towards them. "Dipper, I'm sad to say this, but you cannot come with us. It's too dangerous to bring a mere human to our dimension. Please understand, and keep everyone in Gravity Falls under control... We are going to fight in between everyone's dimension, so be prepared for things to fall out of the sky." Ciel spoke to Dipper, trying to be gentle.

"Here it goes..." Bill said under his breath. A zipper appeared once he snapped his fingers. He glided the Zipper down to hover the grown. He forcefully opened the zipper to reveal a portal of blue and green colors. This was familiar, although I only been in it when I passed out.

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