The Light Comes On...I Finally See You

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Its test time and Matt is sweating bullets. He already turned in his wreck of a paper and now he is going to sound like a real bumbling idiot trying to answer these essay questions. Luckily she has given them the entire class time to complete the test because he's going to need every minute of it.

He grabbed a test packet off of the table in front of the lecture hall and found his seat somewhere in the middle as always. Opening the test he saw the first ten questions were multiple choice and he breezed by those in about five minutes, but there were three essay questions and he was beginning to tense up and his mind became all jumbled.

'Damn it McDonough you know this stuff, just think.' He said to himself knocking himself in the head with his hand. He's pretty sure he probably looked ridiculous but at that point he didn't care.

It took him twenty minutes to get through the first question which meant he only had about forty minutes to finish the other two. He scratched his head with his pen and started to look around the class, noticing several of his classmates had already left. He looked at the clock on the wall in the front of the hall and then stared blankly at his paper.

The longer he sat there he saw more and more students leave. He started to scribble down words on the paper hoping they would make some sort of sense when he finished. Finally the second question done, now he just had one more.

He looked at the clock again and saw he only had eighteen minutes left. Once again looking around the room he saw there was only one other student in the room and he was preparing to leave, making him the only one left.

'Shit. I've got to write something, just think damn it. Ok the question: Explain Plato's The Apology of Socrates trial. Easy enough, I've read it and I know what it's about so this should be no big deal.' He thought to himself while still staring blankly at the paper.

He faintly heard Professor Wilson tell him he had only fifteen minutes left, which of course didn't make his anxiety any better. His palms were so sweaty he had to wipe them off on his jeans. He swallowed hard and began to write what looked like incoherent gibberish to him; he just hoped it made sense to her.

Finally with one minute to spare he completed the test. He ran his hands through his hair and began gathering his things. When he looked up he saw something that completely stopped him in his tracks. He was mesmerized unable to speak or move his mouth agape, flutters in the pit of his stomach and his heart beating rapidly. It was literally the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

'What the fu...Professor Wilson. Oh my damn she is so gorgeous.' He thought to himself as he continued to stare at her, skimming her from head to toe taking in every glorious inch of her. There was a throbbing in his pants and he had no way to control it.

He hadn't noticed in the four weeks he's been in her class that she looked that beautiful, but today it was different. It was like the light came on and shone only on her and nothing else in the room existed. She had taken off her glasses and let down her hair, and the way her body looked in the navy blue wrap dress was exquisite. She was curved in all the right places, voluptuous and firm. Her skin was a warm creamy caramel and looked so silky and smooth. Her eyes were light brown with lashes for days and her mouth was full and inviting. Her hair was wavy and thick falling right beneath her shoulders, all he could think of was how it would feel to run his hands through it and how good it would look spread out over his pillow.

The thoughts that crossed his mind were nowhere near normal but he couldn't help it. He was floating in a realm he never knew existed and it all was consumed with her. It was like the void he had been feeling these past few months was finally filled and he was completely whole for the first time in his life.

He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear her calling him. She came from around the table swaying her body from side to side walking toward him in what seemed like slow motion. Finally coming out of his daze he heard her calling his name.

"Mr. McDonough, are you alright? The test is now over you can hand in your packet." She said walking even closer and stopping right in front of the first row of seats.

'Snap out of it. She's talking to you dumbass and you are sitting there like a freaking idiot. Open your mouth McDonough.' He thought to himself blinking rapidly in order to clear his mind and focus.

"Um, yes I'm finished. Sorry Professor."

He was about to get up out of his seat then he realized he was still at full attention and would embarrass himself if she noticed. Placing his jacket in his hand and holding it in front of his pants, he got up and walked down the stairs toward her.

"It's perfectly fine. How do you think you did?"

"I really don't know."

He stopped right in front of her and looked straight into her eyes. He was quite a few inches taller than her so he had to look down into her face. When she looked up and locked eyes with him his heart momentarily stopped and his mouth became dry.

"Well are you understanding everything? Is the material clear?"

He inched a little closer and could feel the heat coming off of her body. Her scent was also noticeable and he breathed in long and hard becoming fully intoxicated. He felt himself grow even harder just being close to her.

"Yes. I understand. Um, I just sometimes have a hard time putting my thoughts into words."

"I see. Well if you need any help my office hours are available to you. Have a good day Mr. McDonough." She said taking a step back and walking toward the table in the front of the room.

He felt so empty when she moved away. It was like a piece of him was being ripped away.

"Ok, thank you. Have a good day Professor."

He ran his hand through his hair and turned toward the door, taking one more look before walking out.

*So it begins. Thank you for hanging with me, you are totally awesome. I added a picture of Connie and the song "When I Saw You" by Mariah Carey. The song totally fits the moment Matt has when he sees Connie for the first time. Gotta love it!*

****The rest of this book can be found on Amazon in ebook format.*****

My Professor, My LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora