I'm So Not Ready For This!

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Connie was getting dressed for yet another night out with Alicia. That woman has had her going ever since she got there and she was downright tired of it, but what could she do it was her cousin after all and she was still trying to put the pieces of her life back together, and getting out and socializing would help with that. Alicia was two years younger, and used to being on the run for both her career and pleasure. She wasn’t married and had no kids so she thought why not live her life to the fullest.

Once classes start next week she will cease her outings so she can focus on her work. She absolutely loved teaching, but sometimes the students could try her patients quite a bit; especially those who she knew were able to do well but just didn’t try. The spoiled little rich kids kind of got to her too. They had little respect for anyone and expected everything to be handed to them. She was a tough teacher so she didn’t put up with that; the students needed to earn every grade they got.

She put the finishing touches on her make-up and ran her fingers through the loose curls in her hair. Her red dress looked completely out of her comfort zone, it was fitted hugging her body tightly, thin strapped and stopped just above her knees. It wasn’t something she would normally pick out for herself, but Alicia had insisted it looked good on her when they were at the store. They’ve gone to a few bars, some dinners, and lots of shopping. Her wardrobe consisted of all work clothes, so she had to buy some for going out.

The doorbell rang and she walked to the door, her black three inch stilettos hitting the hardwood floor. She opened the door and Alicia walked in.

            “Hey you look great. Are you ready to go?”

            “Sure let me grab my purse.” She said walking to the table and picking up her purse.

She watched Alicia walk out of the door, switching her hips from side to side. Her low cut black dress was fitted and a little too short for Connie’s liking. She just shook her head and followed her out the door, locking it behind herself.

The party they were at was hosted by a local singles group and was specifically for people who were professional and established in their career. The building was fairly large; there was a large dance floor in the center, four bars lining each wall, and small sofas and tables near the back of the room. The lighting was dim, but not so dark that you couldn’t see the people around you. Music was a mixture of pop, rock and R&B. There were about fifty people hanging around with their drinks and talking to each other.

Alicia led Connie to one of the bars and ordered their drinks, something fruity and sweet. Once drinks were served they turned to face the dance floor watching the people in front of them. There were ladies dressed in very sexy dresses; however classy, and men dressed in suits, some with ties and some without. This must be how Damon’s clubs were, filled with people, alcohol and noise. Connie was so out of her element.

            “Connie, there is a man who has been looking at you since we walked in.”

            “What? Where?” Connie asked in disbelief.

            “He’s at the end of the bar on the right.”

Connie looks over to the right of the bar and sees a man with a huge smile on his face. He started to walk toward them and Connie felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. ‘I am so not ready for this.’ She said to herself.

            “Hi ladies, may I say you both look lovely tonight.”

            “Thank you.” Alicia said giggling a little, driving Connie batty.

            “My name is Henry Fuller.” He extended his hand to both of them.

Alicia shook his hand first, and introduced them both, when Connie shook his hand he held on a lot longer than she liked. He just kept smiling at her and that was making her extremely uneasy making her sip her drink continuously. It is something she is not used to.

            “So ladies, what do you both do for a living?”

            “I am an attorney and Connie is a professor. And you?” Alicia said with a smile.

            “How nice. I am a business consultant.”

He continued to stare at Connie making her more uncomfortable than she’s been in her life. It’s not that he wasn’t attractive, because he was. He was tall; somewhere around six foot, light brown skin, brown eyes, a pretty smile and his hair was neatly cut. He wore a dark blue suit with a light blue button up shirt with no tie, but he had the first two buttons undone and she could tell he was very well fit. She is just not used to people staring at her like that, especially men.

            “So, Connie would you like to dance?”

Connie’s eyes got big and she swallowed hard. She was feeling the sweat build up in her arm pits making her thankful that she was wearing deodorant. It must have taken a long time for her to answer because she felt Alicia’s hand hitting her back.

            “Of course she would.” Alicia said taking Connie’s drink and pushing her forward.

Connie turned and gave Alicia a death glare as soon as Henry grabbed her hand and began walking her to the dance floor. ‘I am going to kill her. I cannot believe she just did that.’

When they got to the dance floor he put his hands firmly around her waist and she reluctantly put her hands on his shoulders. It just happened to be a slow song. Connie looked around at the other people on the dance floor to avoid making eye contact with Henry. He pulled her a little closer and tightened his grip slightly making Connie more uncomfortable than she already was. All of the sudden she felt him brush his lips against her cheek and whisper in her ear.

            “Connie, I think you an extremely attractive woman. Would it be alright if I call you sometime?”

Connie scrunched up her face and pulled her face away from his, causing him to look her in the eyes.

            “Um, I’m not sure.” She said nervously.

            “Ok, well just give it some thought. I’d really like to get to know more about you.”

            “There’s not that much to know.”

            “I highly doubt that.” He said with a smile.

The song seemed like it was an eternity before it ended, but once it did Connie wiggled out of his grip and walked back toward Alicia who was talking to some man at the bar. Unfortunately Henry decided to follow her and when she turned back around she almost bumped into him because he was so close. He just gave her a smile and wink.

They stayed at the party for about two more hours, which was two more hours longer than Connie wanted to be there. The whole time she was stuck talking to Henry because Alicia was burning up the dance floor with the man whose name is Marcus. Henry was very pleasant and she didn’t mind talking to him really, it helped pass the time. When they were leaving Henry shook her hand again rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.

            “I hope to speak to you again soon, Connie.” He said with a smile.

Connie just gave a weak nod and walked out the door with Alicia.

*I appreciate you reading my book. Please comment if you would like. I've added a photo of Alicia. I may add another one later, I'm not quite sure. Thanks again for reading.*

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