“Journee I didn’t mean for my mom to lie to your face and if it hurt you in any way I deeply apologize to you on her behalf.” “Thank you for that Ethan, but your apologize does no good when it was your mom, not you.” “That is true and why I want you to come to dinner with me there.” “Ethan I don’t know your family don’t like me already. It is going to be hell walking in there.”   “I’ll make a deal with you. At any point in time you feel uncomfortable we can leave just say it no questions asked and we will be out of there.” “UGH ok fine. Let me change.” “Oh, and Journee Chloe and her family is their also.” I look at him ready to kill him.

Pulling up to Ethan’s parents’ house I started freaking out in the worse way. “Journee, are you alright?” “Yes, just nervous.” “Like I said any time you want to leave we will.” I nod my head he gets out and go to the house. Ethan knocks on the door and his dad opens the door.

“Son you came back and brought a guest with you I see.” “Yes, dad this is Journee. Journee meet my dad.” I shake his extended hand to me and smile while greeting him. We walk in the house and once again all eyes land upon me. I just smile and wave saying a quick hello to everybody.

“Shall we sit and eat dinner.” I heard Ethan’s mother say. I notice every woman in this house is looking at me suspicious and crazy while throwing death glares at me. “Ethan how about you sit in between Chloe and Journee here.” Sure, mom why not.” As we sat I still feel the looks at me I ignore it only looking at my food.

“Journee!” I heard Mr. Harbin call my name I look up at him and smile while speaking. “Yes, sir” “Who are your parents and where are they?” He asked. The hurt washed over me as always when I must talk about my ‘mom’. “She died when I was a kid.” “I’m so sorry.” “Thank you, sir, it is fine.” “How did she die?” Hearing Chloe ask about my mom was making me ready to snap. “He had cancer.” “What kind.” I take a deep breath. “I really do not want to talk about that right now.” “Do you have something to hide?” I heard Chloe ask. “No, I just do not like to talk about my mom.” After some time and a lot of silence I heard my name being called again by Ethan’s mom.

“yes, ma’am.” “Sweetheart what do you do for a living?” “I’m a stripper.” Only thing we heard was the drop of her metal fork against the ceramic plate. “For Christ sake Ethan, you bring home a stripper and you say Chloe isn’t the one for you. I beg to differ.”

Ethan leaned over and whispered in my ear. “We can go if you like.” I looked at him nodding my head. “Mom dinner was great but Journee and I are leaving. I will call you later.” With that we left the house.

“Journee, I am so sorry.” “I get that reaction a lot. I guess I should be use to it by now.” “I’ll get you home quick as I can.” “Wait. Before we do that can we go visit Tristan?” “Really you would want to.” “Yes, I say with a smile.”

Walking into his room its since of peace yet it held so much sadness and pain. “Did they ever find who shot him?” “No not yet. They say they have leads but who knows.” “His mom, she just left him hear?” “Yeah, she assumed he was dead they left never returning.” ‘Sweetie no child deserves that like. Why was you even out there?’ I ask as if he could or would open his mouth to talk. I just look at him hoping for the best. I take his hand in mine and sing a song low hoping he will hear me.

‘Tis the old ship of Zion,

'Tis the old ship of Zion,

'Tis the old ship of Zion,

Get on board, get on board.

1. It has landed many a thousand,

It has landed many a thousand,

It has landed many a thousand,

Get on board, get on board.

'Tis the old ship of Zion,

'Tis the old ship of Zion,

I stopped singing when I heard my name being called. “Yes.” “How do you know that song?” I smiled thinking back to my mom. “My mom use to sing this song a lot. I finally learned it and when she got sick I would sing to her. A couple of days before she died she asked me to sing to her. I said yes of course then she said sing ‘Tis old ship of Zion. She said I sung it when my mom died and I want to hear it from you before I board the ship. I sat their looking at her tears covered my face quick. She said ‘baby momma going to be alright you here.’ I looked in her eyes and started singing as I watched the tears flow down her face. I sung it at her funeral. When I had my son. I song it to him. I in no way hope Tristan’s dies but this is the only song I really know.”

“Your mom sounds amazing Journee.” “She was the only one who ever loved me and I’m sure the only one who ever will besides my son.” “That’s not true Journee. Don’t say things like that.” “You mean the truth. I know what people think of me and how they see me. Lov..” I was cut off by my phone ringing.

“Hello” “Yes this she.” “Oh, wow thank you so much and I will try my best if I cannot make it I will let you know ahead of time. Thank you again” “Bye”

I look at Ethan who is looking at me weird. “That was the lady from the karaoke club. It’s a concert of raw talent for fun at the festival next town over and she said she thought of me grand prize wins $1000.00” “Congrats I am sure you are going to win.” “I doubt it a lot more better singers than me in the world. It’s getting late can you take me home.” “Yes ma’am. When is this concert by the way?” “In a month. Why?”



I Won't Let Go        [ BWWM ] Where stories live. Discover now