After a long 'day' with a cry voice . the cry voice kept dissepear . from A girl cry , A boy cry , A Woman cry , A Man cry . . Now i can only hear a girl and a woman crying . 
But the both girl and woman kept on Crying . 
somethings its stop something they crying back . 
suddenly i heard someone call me . it was the girl . the girl that kept on crying . 
"AIDENNNNN!" the voice called me . She paused , " I HATE YOUUUUUU ! you  wonder if i even miss you!!!? YES ! Right now I AM MISSING YOU ! "     her words is so familiar . i suddenly feel like  i want to   burst in tears   . i cried as my head hurt . 'thinggg' my ear hear something make my ear sensertive . i pressed my ear sharp with my hand . the girl voice kept on talking . " You wonder if i ever  look back on all the memoried we made together ? AND FOR A GODSAKE , i look it back almost everydays! and you wonder if i ever  replay  it in my head untill they almost make me sick ? Yes Aiden , i am fucking sick missing you . PLEASE COME BACK! " as her last word , she shouting . my head still hurting . i pressed my head storngly . i bang my head on the floor . My face already becomes red . a vein from my neck become appeared. Its hurt my head so much . and the voice really make my ears burst into pain . i feel pain in my left side chest . my heart is hurt too . 
and all i know my heart is broken . 
I'm going to die . 
i guess . 
i can't takes it anymore . 
i closed my eyes with pain every where especially in my heart . lastly my hand stroke my heart because i can feel my lives shuting down like a system .
i thought i was died . and already in heaven . as i open my eyes back , instead of having a huge white room . i saw a a yellow light . i also can hear a voice . instead of crying voice , it was a boy voice . he is shouting at his mom . 
"Mom ! HE AWAKE! " said the young boy . he just using the touch light to look into my eyes . he was holding the touchlight as soon he saw im looking around . Then i saw a woman come to my view . she takes the touch light that her son holding and again look into my eyes again . 
They look happy as i awake . i try to gets up but can't its feel too sore . 
But a hand stop me . 
"The miracle boy is awake !" said the older man . he slowly come into my view too . he smiled at me .
miracle boy ?
i once again try to gets up . But this time they help me to gets up . i sit with my back was support by a another pillow that they put for me . 
I look at the clothes that i wear . its already torn . 
Its look so smelly . i frown at that clothes . 
"Sorry , that was my clothes . i lend it for you " said the boy . 
i just nodded my head . but felt pain in my neck . "Don't move to much , you neck just heal from broken . and also your ribs and your back bones too . And i need to said you need to be very  becareful with your head . " said the woman who look like a doctor from how she said and how she calmly said .
Then come the old man with a cup of water and a piece of leaves in his right hand . on leaves , its was some so look like a powder . i don't know what is it . But then he said . "This is water and i will put some tradisonal medicine that i was doing by my own . it would improve to heal your bone ." he said as he sit near the bed and put the powder inside the plain water . then the water turns into bluewish colour almost purple . (p/s i dont know what im talking about XD i have no idea about the trandisional med )
Its look disguisting but with trusted him . i take a sip of the medicine . its was soooooo bitter . i also split it in his face . but i try to shallow it . 
He laughed at me . he patted my head slowly "Haha take your time drink it , iknow its bitter but you need it . makesure you drinks it untill finish " he said . as he smiled to me sincerely . 
with his sincerely smile , i feel i want to open up a little bit to them . 
After a moment ,  the old man already go away doing his things with i guess his wife . 
it was only me and the boy . 
the boy then sit next to me as he drag the chair to be beside me . the boy ask me "What's is your name?" he asking me. 
i try to talk but my voice get stuck in my throat . "...A-i-Ai-Den-Aiden" he just nodded his head as he understand . 
"Aiden , I'm MoonByul " he said as he smiled untill his nose muscle can be shown .then he ask me again " How old are you ?" i don't really can answer him because my voice really gets stuck . then i signal him with my finger with 7 finger up while the others 3 go down . 
"7? " i shook my head "17? " i nodded . "Woww then you are my hyung then , i'm 16 years old . " he said to me . 
"Dong-sa-saeng~" i try to said . "w-what is to-days -date?" i tried to ask him . 
"Ouh hyung its already a month you are on coma . today already 22 July . " he said calmly . 
"a-a mon-month?!" i said as i wided my eyes . 
"yes , i found you . between a slit of stone . Its miracle you are alive though , in the river , it almost everywhere actually wild animal can come and eat you alive . even in the river , its had a piranha there . And most importantly  its miracle Since you hurt badly and you even breathing without oxygen tank . You are real miracle hyung~" he narrate how he find me and how miracle i am . He show me a good sign with his thumb . 
It was a month ago i want to confess feeling to her but my spot was taken by Kai 
A day has passed . A day becomes a week . a weeks becomes two weeks . Aiden started to make a lot of prosses . he is good enough can walk by his self and move around alot . 
"Its better be here , it was so peace . " he said as he awake and walk towards the window . he can watch a sunset from here . it was so beautiful . 
Suddenly , something in his heart begin to remember the voice . the voice of a girl . It was Krystal . 
Thinking about her , maybe she was happy together with Kai . 
he smiled at that thought . 
Aiden make a progress alot , now he already have gains his strength . He would go follow MoonByul to hunting . With Moonbyul teaching him their way to hunting only use a achery . 
Moonbyul really good at it , just with on shoot he already manage to catch the animal . 
He can do anythings . anything really means anything . His physical is not bad too . having 4 pack of abs and just a little bit small than Yul who is taller and bigger . 
As they done hunting they having chitchat together . "hyung , you are my first friend ever . having you for my company really good feeling " moonbyul confess . "I never had a friend since i was kid , mom and dad homeschooling me since i was a kid tho " he continues speaking . 
Aiden just listen to his confession . 
"So hyung , how feeling to be in school with a friend surrounding you ?" ask moonbyul who was really curious about it . 
"Nothing special . There to many type of friend i have . but here is more fun and peace" said Aiden who was still focusing on his way to back to the house . he scared that he would slipped like last time tehy hunting together . 
monnbyul just nodded his head .
"you don't know how lonely i am here " murmered moonbyul alone .

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