Mia nodded and Drew followed Akira.They walked for 20 minutes to get to the where all the familiars are.Drew,Mia,and Akira had to stop because an animal got hurt and they healed it.They arrived at a place so called the "Net".Drew saw over a billion of familiars flying,sleeping,on the ground,and playing.

"Drew these familiars are stray because they don't have a master.Mostly people would take one and leave the rest alone.Plus I had to get 50 to learn how to get one when I was little...",said Mia while clutching her hands.

"Hey who was your first familiar Mia?",asked Drew.

"It was Mita and Akira.Mita is Akira's cousin and Akira had to follow Mita because his parents died so did Mita's.When I first saw them,the other stray familiars were beating them up and Mita was protecting him.Then... she was hurt and Akira was crying.I took Mita in the Human world and Akira came along with her...Plus they were so cute!!",said Mia.

"S-shut up Mia-chan!She was my ONLY family back then!',shouted Akira.

"I know! I know!",said Mia.

"Wait... so Akira is a dragon?",asked Drew.

"No I am not a dragon.I am a white dragon with super hearing senses.",said Akira.

"So Mita is a what kind of dragon ?",asked Drew.

"She is a demon/blood dragon Drew and lets start getting you a familiar already!",said Mia.

Drew stopped talking and nodded at Mia.Akira took out a bag of food which is a special for the familiars and a card.

"Ok! Step 1: First take this bag and put it in your pocket.Once a familiar comes towards you, put your hand out and pet it.

Step 2: When it starts to like you,you give it the food.If it doesn't eat the food use the card and give it a name.

Step 3: Once you got that familiar in the card,call its name out and it will appear in human form.

Step 4: You will have to train it to be stronger so does the bond!

And here you go! Go out there and find the right one for you!!! ",said Akira.

Drew nodded and went off to find a familiar.After a while,Drew came back to them and Mia saw a lot of familiars attached to him.So Drew had to use the game "Eenie-meanie-miney Mo!" because he had like 20 of them with him.After a few minutes later,the two remaining familiars are a lion and a demon dog.He pointed his finger at the dog and started the game.

His final choice was the demon dog.He didn't need to pet him because when Drew chooses it,the dog started to lick his face.Drew took the bag out and gave it the food.It started to eat it and after it ate,Drew showed the dog the card.It wagged its tail and Drew got it in the card.

"You're a boy so....Your name will be Erebus for darkness and my name is Drew,your master.I am Prince in the human world and I here by you protect/fight with me. Come out Erebus! ",said Drew.

Erebus came out of the card in his human form and he had silver colored hair with a choker.He also had wolf ears.

"Thank you for calling me Drew-san and I like the name you gave me though!",said Erebus.

"And you like to tell us your life information Erebus?",asked Mia.

"Well sure beautiful if you insist.I am a demon wolf and um... I have ran away from my family because they were using me as a tool for hurting other stray familiars.I have managed to survived by myself and had little food left...Right now I am 17 years old and you can decide when my birthday is...",said Erebus.

"Do you have any abilities of skills at the moment?",asked Akira.

"I think I do? I am not sure though but I know that my skills are above and beyond!" Erebus said in a superior voice.

"Well since you have introduce yourself, lets introduce ourselves then shall we?",said Mia.

"Sure go ahead beautiful..."Erebus said in a cool tone.

"First,my name is Mia not beautiful.I am 17 years old just like you and a guard for the Prince."

"I am Akira and I am Mia's familiar.I am a white dragon with super hearing senses.16 years old."

"Just as I said I am Drew the Prince in the real world.I am a Prince in training to defend and fight.17 years old."

"And since Drew here got a familiar which is you Erebus.We're going to take you to the human world to train you so don't do anything bad.If you did then you will have to take my punishment and we are going to train you...",said Mia in a happy to a cold tone.

Erebus agree with Mia and went to the Human world to train.They will train him by tomorrow but first they had to go to the King so Erebus could introduce himself.Thus,they will start with training....


Hey this Yuuma and I am here to tell you that the picture next to this ( the thing that you are reading ) is Mita the blood dragon or Mita the demon dragon.I don't care as long she is a dragon.I you are using a phone then you might not see it but you will if you know how to find the info circle ( if you tap the screen and if you see a circle with a i in it then you will see....).

Pictures of familiars! I am doing this because you might be imaging a hot guy/girl in your minds and I do not want you to think dirty stuff.THIS IS FOR YOUR SAKE!!


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