Chapter 3

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Hey guys. This is obviously the third chapter in the Staking Claim book. Like I said in the second chapter I will be updating every Sunday night and because I didn't realize that I had some much to do today, my cousins first birthday party is today and I still haven't gotten him a gift, I will be typing the majority of this on my phone so I apologize if there are any grammar or puncation errors. Any way enjoy...

The week went by pretty fast. It didn't take long for me to figure out that Tate was an amazing roommate. He did the dishes, the laundry, and didn't take to long in the shower. He even helped cook when he didn't have to. The only problem was that he liked to walk around shirtless. How in the hell was I supposed to get anything done with a half naked Tate parading around my home. He had an eight pack, I kid you not, a full defined sexy as fuck eight pack. Who even has a body  like that expect for TV stars. He shouldn't even be real!

Angel of course loved having Tate around. He could have another person play with him when I was busy, he had another person who could take him to the park when I was at work, and he loved when Tate would read him bed time story's. As much as it bothered me to have Tate and his sexy abs around, I wasn't about to take him away from Angel and back out of out deal.

I was at work, just a small book shop that was a couple of blocks away from my apartment, thinking about Tate. Why did I have to have a crush on the one guy who was way out of my league.

Tate and Angel were at home, unpacking the rest of Rates things. Over the weekend Tate had asked me if the test week had been okay and if moving in was still on the table. I of course said yes.

Today was Monday, again, and Angel had been a hellion all morning. I couldn't get him to calm down one bit, not even Mrs. Hope could. I was exhausted and I think my boss, Mr. Henry, could tell. Henry was an older man, a small cranky elderly man. He was mean to everyone but Angel and I. Two years ago I had walked in with Angel on my hip, begging him for a job. Thankfully he took pity on me and hired me on the spot and told me to come back the next day at the same time for training. I was forever in debt of this man.

"Tommy, did you not get any sleep last night?" Henry asked, his voice raspy with age.

" I did, more than I usually do, but Angel was going crazy this morning. No one could calm him down. I feel like I've ran two marathons after dealing with him." I mumbled.

Mr. Henry laughed, shaking his bed back and forth, "Elise and I have five kids Tommy. I know exactly how you feel. Why don't you head home know so you can rest. We aren't busy, I'll be able to handel this by myself." I tried to protest but Henry just waved me off, "Go home Tommy. I've been running this store for twenty-five years by myself. A couple more hours won't kill me. Now go home kid."

I grumbled at the old man, grabbing my bag from behind the counter. I bid my goodbyes, going to the back room to clock out before going out the back door.

It didn't take me long to make my way home. I used the key card to get access to the building, hurrying my way to the elevator.

I took a deep breath before entering my apartment, expecting chaos. But instead I found a passed out Angel on the couch, with cartoons playing softly in the background, while Tate was cleaning around the place. I stood in the doorway, my mouth hanging open. I'd never seen this place so clean.

"Hey, your home early." Tate said in a low tone, careful of not waking Angel up.

"Yeah Mr. Henry said I look dead tired so he let me leave early. What is going on here?" I asked, gesturing towards the now clean apartment.

Tate shrugged, " I figured since I was pretty much taking over your home I might as well clean up while I'm at it. Angel even cleaned his room, he wasn't to happy about it but I figured it needed to be done." Tate explained.

"You didn't have to do all this Tate." I said, walking further into the apartment so I could close the door behind me. Tate shook his head at me, "I'll try to be quite so you can go lay down." Tate said.

I nodded, "Thank you, this means a lot Tate. I don't think this place has been this clean in a long time." Tate smiled at me.

"Just doing my part." He said. I walked towards my room, stopping to look at him one more time, "This is way more than your share Tate. But seriously thank you." I said, smiling at him once more before going to my room.

Thankfully Tate didn't seem to clean my room. I don't think I could have lived if he could have found my box of.... toys under my bed.

Okay guys. I know its not very long and I aplolgize about that. I did write this all on my phone so it was really hard to write. Any vote, comment, and share.


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