Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I know it's been a really long time since I've last updated. I'm sure many of you have forgotten all about this story, but for those of you who haven't forgotten here is the long awaited second chapter of Staking Claim. To make sure you guys don't go months without updates I promise that every Sunday, because it's my only day off, I will update a chapter or two. Now here you guys go.

I paced around the living room of my apartment. Tate was supposed to be in here any minute, and my hands wouldn't quit shaking. Angel was watching TV, the small boy kept throwing odd glances my way. "Tommy, why are you pacing?" Angel asked, staring at me. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair before turning to look at him. I kneeled in front of the couch, taking the remote off the seat next to Angel. I paused his show, before turning my attention back to him, "Do you remember Tate? Brody's best friend."

Angel nodded, "Of course, he's the one with the really awesome motorcycle. Why are you asking?" I sighed, climbing up on the couch next to him, grabbing his small six year old hand in my own, "Well, you know how I haven't been sleeping very much lately?" Angel nodded, scooting closer to me so he could lay his head against my arm, "Well Tate said that he's been looking for a place to move into since he turned eighteen and since we have the space he thought it would be a good idea to move in here with us. Having more people here with us might help me sleep better at night. Before I made the decision to allow him to live here with us I wanted your opinion on whether or not you'd be comfortable with him staying here?" I finished.

Angel pulled his head away from my arm, looking at me with his deep brown eyes. I was shocked to see a huge grin spread across his small impish face, "Yeah, I would love that. I mean Tate would be like another brother to me. Maybe he'd even let me ride on his motorcycle." I choked on air, waving my hands around like a dork, "Not going to happen." I said, poking Angel in his tummy.

Angel let out a loud giggle, prompting me to poke him a couple more times, which led me tickling him until he was crying from laughter. I finally stopped torturing him with tickles when someone knocked on the door, calling my attention. "That must be Tate." I mumbled, looking back down at Angel. He had let go of my arm, jumping excitedly off the couch before taking off towards the door. I couldn't help the small giggle that passed through my lips when Angel ripped open the door before launching himself at Tate.

Tate hurriedly dropped his school bag in an effort to catch Angel around the waist, "Are you really going to move in with us? Are you going to bring your motorcycle with you? Are you going to sleep in the guest bedroom? Are you-".

"Slow down munchkin. Let him answer your first question." I chuckled, standing up off the couch. Tate walked further into the apartment, leaning down to pick up his bag with the hand that wasn't holding Angel up, before closing the door behind me. I motioned for him to come sit on the couch. Tate dumped Angel on the couch, before plopping down next to him. I sat down on the coffee table in front of them. Tate winked at me, his boyish smirk on his face before he turned his attention back to an overexcited Angel. "Tommy and I were talking at school today and we both thought it would be a good idea if I moved in here with you guys so Tommy would be able to sleep better. But he wanted your permission before we did anything. So, Mr., do I have your permission to live here with you and your brother?" Tate asked, staring at Angel n a goofy way. I couldn't help but laugh when Angel nodded his head up and down like a puppy, before once again pouncing on Tate, "Of course, you need to go back to you old house and start packing right now. We can't have you changing your mind." Angel said firmly.

Tate let out a loud laugh, hugging Angel to his chest. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sight. How could I do this? How could I let the man that I was absolutely in love with live with me and my brother? Right now, seeing him interact with Angel made me fall more in love with him. How that was even possible, considering I was already pretty far gone on him, was a question its self.

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