< Chapter 4: T...Tyler? >

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"Tyler? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what I'm doing here? This is where I live." he said

"Y...you must be joking right? With the kidnapping a...and the cuffs and the screams..."

"I planned all of that, I told you didn't I? I said that I'll see you very soon."

"W...wait what?" I said.

"You were the one that tried hacking into my phone right? You tried to get my location, well I'm sorry but you cannot know. It's a secret." He winked.

"Okay... Can I go now?" I slowly stepped back, cautiously, there was something wrong with Tyler, something very different and I had a bad feeling about this. I slowly stepped back, ready to run, all my senses were on high alert. Tyler was still smiling, he was not one little bit afraid, he was okay with me leaving. Right?

"Sorry, you may not leave, not now... not ever..." he smirked.

I immediately sprinted away from him, my breaths heavy and quick, my legs were slowly giving up on me, either from fear or from exhaustion. There was no way he could catch me, I was much faster than him, what was wrong with him! He was like some crazy maniac murderer trying to kill me. I ran down the hallway, left, right, right, left and left again, I saw a room that looked safe so I went in, locked the door and hid in a corner. I was lost, very lost, how big was this house? It's like a castle. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in some kind of medieval room with dim lighting and a door. A door! Maybe it is some kind of secret exit out of this hell hole. "You may not leave, not now... not ever..."  his words echoed in my head again and again. I carefully went on all fours and crawled towards the small door on the other side of the room. The door creaked as I slowly opened it. I crawled into the hole which the door was hiding, I closed the door and started crawling through the tunnel. My knees and my palms were probably bleeding, however, my dear life was much more important, I started thinking of all the things that I did with Tyler, all the years we spent together, laughed together and played together. He was a friend no one could ever ask for, he was my only friend, the only person that understood me. But now... he was the only person that wanted to kill me. My eyesight started turning blurry as hot tears which i tried to hold back streamed down my cheeks. Stupid Jose! This is not the time to cry, you can still live, still help Tyler out of this mess. Continue laughing with him, playing with him and having fun with him, you can still live! Crying will not help!  I wiped my tears with my sleeve and continued crawling through the tunnel. The tunnel started getting lighter and lighter, it was sunlight! I was almost out! I sped up and finally... escaped the tunnel. I turned around and came face to face with the huge modern castle. There was no time to be awed by the castle, I turned around and ran towards the forest that was behind the castle. I ran and ran and finally found a tree to hide behind, a big one where no one will ever be able to find me. Where even Tyler cannot find me, I was deep in the woods, very deep. Barely any sunlight managed to enter the woods. If sunlight couldn't enter, neither could Tyler right? I heard a rustle of bushes behind me. My breath got caught in my throat as I came face to face with a...

HAHAHAHAHAHA I'M GONNA BE MEAN AND MAKE A CLIFFHANGER! MUAHAHHAHA! your may hate me right now but MUAAHAHAHAH i hope yall enjoyed this chapter!!! PLEASE STAY TUNED!  TO THE NEXT CHAPTER! BTW I LUV THE SONG! thx so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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