In the Hospital

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Doctor Carson had noticed the shocked look on my face from the words of that voice. Voice? Should I call it a voice? Is it a person? A creature? What do you call something you share your mind with? What do I call it?

Calm down!!!!!

Again the voice spoke. I didn't know what to think. My mind was all over the place. I looked at Doctor Carson once again. She was staring at me with such a heated gaze that I could feel my body turn on fire at her uncomfortable look.

"Um. I don't know. So..."

"Can I go?"

She explained to me that she wasn't completely ready to let me leave the hospital just yet. Also she didn't have the proper information to allow me to leave the hospital. She had suggested that I stay at the hospital or go to the police station until they could get my story straightened out.


You can't let her do that!

So then you'll help me?

Yes. yes. Fine.

Just tell her that you are to tired to think.

Tell her you will walk home.

So I did exactly as I was told. Doctor Carson seemed skeptical but allowed me to go home just as long as I went to see a specialist and to call if I remembered anything. I agreed and walked out of the hospital into the freezing January air. Onto a path that I barely know.

As I was walking out the hospital a young man ran out and handed me a purse. He said that I was found with this bag and that it belonged to me. I was skeptical, but at this point I was to confused and tired to argue with anyone about anything because I didn't know anything myself. It would just be an idiot educating another idiot. So I decided to open up the bag and examine its contents. The bag looked high quality, on the side it said Louis Vuitton. It was a very sleek and elegant shade of black that matched the night sky. Inside I found a mirror and gave my face a quick rundown. I had a nice face. I kinda looked like one of those Victoria Secret models except I was definitely to short to run with that crowd. Long black hair, beautiful green eyes, and lips so plump that they made marshmallows look flat. I also found a photo of a little girl.She looked like a mini me so I guessed that it was me. The last thing that I found was a smudged up ID. The only thing that I could make out on it was the name Baine. Baine? Is that my name? Who names their kid Baine? Oh then again I don't know my parents. I wonder what they are like. They must be wonderful I....



All your thoughts are too much. 

They hurt way to much.

I can't think.

Sheesh calm down. 

You are acting like a kid on Halloween.

You know I wouldn't be like this if you gave me answers.

Who is Baine?

Who are my parents?

Why are you here?

What do you want? 

What is wrong with me?

It seems that you are the only one with all the answers.

Shut the fuck up.

If it will get you to fucking shut up then I'll give you a clue.

A starting point.

Your name is Alex Baine.

And you committed suicide.

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