Pilot chapter

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"Yazzy, just keep it up for a while, we'll be home soon."
"Dad, you don't understand. I don't want to go home! I want to live! I want people to see me for who I am!"
"Shush!" He hissed.
"Don't shush me!" I stomped my foot. "I want you to listen to me for once, and respect me!" I collected the darkness from the corners of the alley into a ball in my hand, then I threw it at Dad. He dodged, rather skillfully.
"Yazzy!" He yelled, grabbing my wrist. He raised a hand inches above my face, but lowered it. He had never hit me. Not yet. "That's enough." He said coldly, quietly. That was worse than shouting. "We're going home. And I swear, if we go out and that happens again, you are not going outside for a thousand years, you got it?" I nodded. I knew he wouldn't keep to that promise, though. He had a terrible memory.
"Yes, Dad." I replied in the least sarcastic tone I could muster. We walked away from the town, and Dad raised the hand that wasn't holding my wrist in a death grip, and opened up a gaping hole in the ground. We jumped in, and landed on a raised island. A man wearing dragonlike wings stood next to two stone thrones. One large, one small.
"Vincent, take care of her until I come back." Vincent nodded. As Dad walked away, I sunk into my throne, looking over literal Hell. Yup, I am the daughter of the devil himself. Now, you would expect the devil to be red, right? Well, that's wrong. My dad is black. Just pitch, cold, black, with a hint of gray. Just like Hell itself. You would expect it to be full of fire, but it's only cold and black. I guess I should describe what I look like too. I have black hair, just past my elbows, I have grayish skin, and dark clothes. I have a long, black tail with a spearhead-shaped point at the end. I have rather sharp and long canine teeth, like fangs, and little black horns, currently covered by my hat. I ripped my hat off and tossed it on the ground.
"Vincent?" I asked, looking at the young man standing by my throne.
"Yes, my lady." Vincent said, looking up.
"Can you get me my guitar?" I asked.
Vincent hesitated. He knew as well as I did that Dad didn't like my playing guitar. But I looked him square in the eyes and he nodded. "Yes, my lady." He hurried off. I stared blankly out over the cold abyss. Y'know, there's something about looking over Hell, all day, every day for the better pert of you life that takes something out of a person. Vincent came back, holding my guitar.
"Thank you." I said politely, and started strumming a tune. Whenever I did this, it seemed to calm down the sea of the dead souls wandering about aimlessly, cold, sad. Whenever I played, everyone seemed to stop and listen. They seemed happier. I started singing a song along with the tune. You wouldn't know it, its very old. It wasn't long before Dad came back, and I quickly shoved my guitar into Vincent's hands. He walked over to me, and looked at Vincent, holding my guitar, confused.
"What are you doing with my daughters guitar?" He asked. He didn't like my hobby, but he was protective of it nonetheless.
"U-uhh..." Vincent stuttered, not knowing what to say.
"Whatever." Dad said dismissively. "Just put it back." He glided over to me and sat down in the throne next to mine. I played with a lock of my hair. I wanted to dye a streak pink, but Dad wouldn't let me.
"But Dad," I had said. "If you didn't want me to have pink hair, why would you give me a name that gives off a pink vibe?"
"It wasn't my decision." Dad had replied. "It was your mothers."
"Whatever." I'd grumbled. "Can you at least let me dye my hair?"
"Demons don't have pink hair. Even small ones."
I groaned thinking of this memory, and turned sideways in my chair. I flopped my head over the side and looked at Dad upside-down. He was looking at a list of some sort. Eventually, he stood up again. "Vincent, I have to leave again. Take care of Yazzy." Dad said, starting to walk away.
"Yes, sir." Vincent said. I groaned again. There's never anything to do down here. Then I thought; If there's nothing to do down here, than why stay down here? I sat bolt upright in my chair. " I wonder if what I'm looking for is up there and I could dye my hair pink" I summoned Vincent with the face I always made when I bluff
" yes my lady" Vincent started twiddling his thumbs and twitching his tail. " I am going to the sea of damned
souls I'm going swimming" I'm a terrible lier so I always laugh when I'm bluffing but Vincent would not question me so he nodded.
" bring me my dragon please" seconds later Vincent and other workers trying to restrain a large reptile with wings that is pitch black and purple eyes " Electra calm" the dragon responds to my orders and mine alone. I put on the hat that I was wearing and shrunk my tail the way it was before I can shrink my tail to any size I want and hide it under my shirt. Electra flew in my direction full speed so I grabbed onto her back and hoisted myself up onto her we flew up hundreds of kilometers to the exit. The exit is like a portal to anywhere in the world. " next stop America" as I went through the portal of light I saw happiness not darkness for once I tried to do a front flip but I chickened out in the middle of it and fell on my face.
" clumsy me" but like nothing happened I brushed myself off and walked forward into the crowd of people. But looking around thinking to myself "I just might fit in

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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