Chapter 11 •Забытая зима•

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•Забытая зима•
[Forgotten Winter]

   Morning came quick.  The couple was up, they showered together, got ready and put on their disguises.  They exited their room and then the hotel itself, taking in the fresh morning air. Luckily the town was very small so any hope of finding Natasha there wouldn't be too hard.

They went to door after door, all of the townspeople kind and having not seen Natasha. Three hours had passed and they had grown hungry so they settled down at a diner for lunch having skipped breakfast.

   Wanda picked up her BLT and took a bite before looking up at Steve.  "We've looked for a few hours, but I think there's still some places left to look," Steve said, as if he was reading her mind.

   "Yeah, I know," she murmured, taking a sip of her tea.

   "We'll find her," he assured.

   "We will.  We will," she said to herself.

   He looked at her and put his hand atop hers, grasping it slightly as they ate.


Now afternoon, they had made it the last of the houses in the town. Settling on an older house out in the distance, they walked up to the door. Wanda gentled knocked upon the wooden door and awaited an answer. She looked up to Steve with a hopeful expression and he reciprocated. When the person opened the door their mouths fell open slightly.

"Hello," Natasha said.

"Hello ma'am. I'm um...Agent Roscoe from the CIA and this is Agent-"

"Brown. Agent Brown," Wanda finished for him.

"Yes and uh we'd like to ask you a few questions," Steve states awkwardly.

"What is this about?" Natasha asked, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"It's about...Roscoe?" Wanda asked, her voice trailing off.

Natasha immediately something was off as started to unfold her arms. Steve stepped forward assertively and said , "Ma'am we need to talk to you," grabbing her arm.

The redhead frowned and shook his grasp off before kicking him in the gut. The action knocked him over and shocked Wanda. "Hey wait-" the witch let out before being whipped in the gut and also sent backwards.

Steve got back up quickly only to have to absorb another blow from Nat. The blond grunted and pulled her to him, holding her arms back.  "Listen-" he let out before she stepped on his foot, elbowed him in the ribs and went back for Wanda.

   Wanda was then punched in the face, causing the mask to malfunction and short out.  Natasha's brows furrowed until Wanda's face became clear.  "Nat..." Wanda winced. 

   "What the hell?"

   "Nat, it's Steve," the blond assured, pulling off his mask along with Wanda. 

   "Again, what the hell?  What is this?"

   "We're bringing you back to Wakanda with us," Wanda told her.

•Из России с любовью• [From Russia With Love] [BuckyNat Series Book 2]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt