"Survival, not sex"

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Okay, lAZi999 suggested I do a chapter on this YouTube video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4Khn_z9FPmU

Did ya watch it?

Kinda long, huh

Oh well!

Ok, if you've watched all of it by now, keep reading my attempt of an analysis/reaction sorta thing because I felt like it would be pathetic to write a chapter that just had a link in it.

So, a big theme of the video seemed to be about how life isn't centered around individual survival, even though that's a common idea. Instead, it's family survival. And homosexuals help that survival. And I think you need family. Even if you can't have your biological family, you need to have some kind of family to go to. As James O'Keefe said, you can't live without love. Even if there is no romantic or sexual love in your life, some form of it is important.

I also really like the idea of uniqueness being humanities power. I definitely think that all of our different attributes create the best combination of people, and that if everyone was the same, we wouldn't be able to do certain important things, among other problems. In other words, the world needs gay people!

Is there anything you guys found interesting? For example, I love the quote "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."

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