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This is it... Also this is in Lorraine's point of view. Sorry for any mistakes x


We go to therapy. All four of us. For Ed, it's learning how to control his panic attacks. For Judy, it's learning how to cope and control herself when she has a vision. For my mom, it's learning how to support us the best she can after all this. For me, it's learning how to live again. How to help them.

Judy found me, thanks to her vision. She called Ed who told her to call 911 and met them here. Gehenna was sent back to Hell by Ed, who had given me an exorcism after I was saved. The doctors say I'm a fighter. I shouldn't have survived. Too much water had filled my lungs. I say its a miracle.

God wanted me to stay.

To fight.

Who knew that almost killing myself would teach me the most important lesson. We have each other. And as long as we do, nothing can stop us.

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