Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 Maddie's POV:

Moving? I can't move! I'm starting dance "again" today! What about Kenzie, Chloe, Nia, Kendall, Paige, and Brooke!? (Yes, I memorized their names). What about school and Nick and my friends and midterms. What about staying here to get my memory back. But most importantly... What about Josh?

I wiped the thought away and laughed at my dad. "You've got to be kidding. You come here after 4 years, and demand we move back with you? All the way in California?! If you thought for a second we would come move in with you and throw out our lives here, then you are insane. Scratch that. That would make you an idiot. I'm staying. Kenz, you want to go with dad?"

She slowly shook her head. I couldn't tell if she meant it or if she was scared by what I said.

My dad looked hurt.
Maddie: 1
Dad: 0

He looked like he had realized something because then my dad smiled. "Is this about a boy Madison Nicole Ziegler?"
I blushed. Then I quickly said "no." Defensively.
"What's his name?" He asked.
"Ooh Josh Hyland!?" Mackenzie teased.
"Maybe" I said embarrassed. My sister knew about my past with Josh probably better than I did. She was the school gossiper and it went from her grade to mine. And I picked up on that within the first 2 weeks I was back to school.
"You guys are cute together." She giggled. I don't know why, but I was ecstatic with her approval. We weren't officially back together but I had a feeling he was going to ask me to the winter dance coming up before my birthday.
My dad gave me a protective parent look and I rolled my eyes, remembering the focus of our conversation. "Who let you in here anyway?" I asked my father.
"I think she said her name was Christi."
"Oh. That's Chloe's mom. Are they home?"
"Yes but Chloe was getting ready for something so you shouldn't bother her."
Dance. "I should be getting ready too. And so should you Kenz. I'm starting dance again today!" I beamed. Mackenzie's eyes lit up and she gave me a tight 3 second hug before running off to the guest bedroom which I guess was now hers because it was filled with Justin Bieber posters and there was glitter on the floor. I didn't want to know how that got there.
I started walking up the stairs then I heard my dad's voice. "Mads? I'd like you to at least consider moving to California with me." I nodded my head then went to give him a hug. It was nice having a parent.
I ran back up the stairs to the room that I shared with Chloe. I didn't bother knocking to see if she was still changing.
"Hey Chlo." I sang happily.
"What's up Maddie!"
"My dad came."
"I heard." She came over to give me a hug and I hugged back. Chloe was a really nice girl and I'm happy that we're so close. Ever since I got back she's been so sweet to me and Josh said she was always my best friend. Her and Paige.
"He wants me to move to California with him." I suddenly said.
"What!?" She practically screamed. "You cannot leave me Madison."
"Don't worry I turned him down but he wants me to think about it still. Honestly it would be nice having a dad around but I'm not ready to move." My phone buzzed right after I said that, signaling I had gotten a text message. Chloe grabbed the phone from my hands before I could check the text and I clawed at her to give it back.
"Hmmm... Would your decision to stay have anything to do with a certain Josh Hyland?" She said waving the phone in my face. "Give it back!" I screamed playfully. She tossed it over making kissy noises. Sure enough the message was from Josh.
Thinking about you -Josh
I wrote a response with Chloe standing over my shoulder.
:) -Maddie.

"Just a smile? That's so lame! Say something interesting Mads. Tell him you were thinking about him too!" Chloe jumped up and down in excitement.
"Fine." I erased the message I had typed and decided to go with:
Miss you <3 -Maddie.

Josh:Doing anything later? Wanted to talk to you about what happened.

Maddie: Well don't hate me....

Josh: ?

Maddie: I'm going to dance.

Josh:That's great! Sorry about the whole dance thing. Good luck babe :* I'll be missing you.
I playfully rolled my eyes at the messages. Then I remembered Chloe was still looking at the messages. Oops. "Why would he hate you for going to dance? OH MY GOD MADDIE YOU'RE GOING BACK TO DANCE!? YOU NEED TO GET READY! EVERYONE'S GONNA BE SO EXCITED." She was such a typical teenage girl sometimes it wasn't even funny. I rummaged through my closet hoping to have some type of dance clothes. I found a cute red bra top with silver rhinestones and a pair of black booty shorts. I threw my hair up and Chloe gave me a red scrunchie to match my top. I was pleased with my appearance so I sat on Chloe's bed. She took a seat on my bed and mentioned that I never told her why Josh would be mad.
"Oh. About that... Can I tell you something?" It was time to tell someone.
"Sure anything." She said sympathetically.
"We'll you know how I had a coma and was in the hospital for a few weeks?" I said. Obviously she remembered, but I didn't know how to tell her.
"We'll of course I remember." She said, matching my thoughts.
"I- well I-" I said. Tears were steadily streaming down my checks now and Chloe switched beds to sit next to me and she pulled me into a friendly hug. "I couldn't remember anything. I didn't know who I was or why I was there and my memory hasn't come back. The only thing I remembered was Josh and he's the only one I told." I told her how I want to remember her because she's been so good to me and how she's my best friend and I told her that I fell in love with Josh and he's been helping me. I told her everything. The tears stopped and she just said "it's okay Maddie. I'll help you with everything."
"TIME TO LEAVE FOR DANCE." Christi called up the stairs. Chloe said "Okay mom! Maddie's coming today!"
"Oh great! If we don't leave now we'll be late and we wouldn't want Abby to be mad on Maddie's first day back!"

As we were walking out to the car, Chloe looked at me. "You're my best friend Maddie. I'll always be here for you."

A/N- What'd you guys think? 10 votes and 3 comments for more! Tell me what you think should happen next :p

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