Chapter Six

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Chapter 6 Maddie's POV:

I liked Josh Hyland.
I loved Josh Hyland.
I love Josh Hyland.
I smiled at just the thought of him. Tonight we were going to see a horror movie which was perfect because Josh loves horror and I didn't really care as long as we were together.
We walked down the stairs holding hands and talking. He was telling me more about my life and giving me tips. I was going back to school soon and I would be on my own for a few periods. I wouldn't have him beside me telling me who's who and how I know them. I still have Kelly and Paige fooled that I know them and I plan on keeping it that way. Brooke is at the mall with her boyfriend so I haven't met her yet.
When we got downstairs he showed me something that was extremely important if I wanted to find out more about me: my iPhone.
When he handed me the phone I slid the LockScreen but then it asked for a passcode, which I obviously didn't remember. Good thing I told Josh my password before my coma. He typed in 7656 and it opened to the homescreen. I couldn't help but notice that the letters under the numbers of my passcode spelled out: solo.
I guess it didn't mean anything and it was probably just a coincidence. He opened an app called 'Instagram' and we took a picture of ourselves together. In the picture I had my arms wrapped around Josh while kissing his cheek and he was smiling at the camera. We posted it on my account with the comment saying "Just me and Joshua🙈😘 @Joshhyland63"
The picture instantly got thousands of likes and comments. How? Did everyone's pictures get so many likes and comments?
Josh snatched my phone from my hands once he realized.
Then it hit me. "Joshua?"
"Yeah Mads?"
"How come you never told me how I got in the hospital?"
His face turned serious and he knew it wasn't time to joke around. "I knew you'd want to know eventually."
What was he talking about?
Then he continued "well uh you were on stage and you went to do a trick and you were too close to the edge. You fell of the stage onto your head."
"Wait why was I on stage?" This puzzled me.
"You're a dancer Maddie."
I'm a dancer?

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