|| Courting You ||

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Sharon's courting was adorable although she has a very dark style and persona she always made you feel like a princess plus it was always cute when you were met by a blushing Sharon holding chocolates and flowers.


Bianca was great at courting you she definitely knew how to treat you right, she always made sure you were happy whether it was hand holding or buying you flowers when you were down. Although Bianca wasn't the most suave when it came to being romantic she always managed to make you feel like the only one in the world.


When Adore was courting you she would plan a nights of netflix, pizza and candy, you both would rather sit at home in each others company eating a pepperoni pizza and surfing the internet for lolcats.


Courtney's courting was unusual she wasn't used to giving the attention as much as she was receiving it but she did her best as she took you to many fancy restaurants where you both had the best time of your lives.


Alaska is usually a very busy person but when courting you she always took time out of her schedule to spend the day with you, she'd take you to get coffee and drag you through the mall throwing as many clothes at you as she could although you never wanted to accepted expensive gifts Alaska always got her way.


Whilst courting you Katya would take you to the movies to see your favourite films buying you any treat you desire then eating most of them herself not that you cared you thought it was adorable her pre-movie stretch in front of the move screen however was a little strange.


Raja loves to pamper you so when you were courting you'd wake up every morning to Raja's cooking and a loving kiss as she told you about her plans for that evening which mostly consisted of laughter and sweet kisses.


Trixie would show up at all hours serenading you with her guitar it didn't matter where you were she would find you. Although it killed you to be awoken from your sleep you didn't mind being woken up in the dead of the night by her.

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