||When You Cry||

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When you cry Sharon holds you tight against her as she smooths your hair as you both rock together letting the tears fall knowing that you'll feel much better when you've finished crying.


Hates it when you cry as she knows there is nothing she can do to help you, she hates seeing you so sad and in so much pain the best she can do is hold you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear.


Adore doesn't know what to do when your cry as she's so used to seeing you happy and hyper so she brings you loads of comfort food and kisses away your tears.


She lays with you on the bed and cuddles into you, laying on your sides with your head in her chest and her chin gently leaning on your head so she can leave kisses whenever you sob harshly.


Whenever you cry she gets upset to and lets out a few tears from seeing you so sad but she still holds you tighter hoping to love all your pain away.


She immediately gets angry wondering who made you so upset but she puts all that aside when she hears your little sobs and climbs into bed with you and rubs your back trying to comfort you but most of all to let you know she's here for you.

A/N Hey guys this is another short preference I just wanted you to know I will be doing a mixture of long and short preferences. Hope you all liked it :)

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