t h r e e

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After 3 weeks

All I did was sit on the couch, doing nothing. The sound of the bell ringing filled the silent room. I got up to open the door. I found Harry standing in front of me. He was smiling widely.

"Hello Air." He said smiling. "Hi Harry, come on." I smiled back at him. He sat on the couch. "What would you like to drink?" I asked. "A black coffee with no sugar." He replied.

I made him the coffee, and prepared a plate of cookies. I sat beside him, and stared at him as he ate his cookie. I felt that he wanted to say something, but I chose not to ask him.

"Air, I never saw you going out with friends or anyone coming and visiting you. I know I should not ask you about it, but I am really curious." He said. I thought if I should I tell him. "It is okay if you don't want to tell me." He said smiling.

"I don't have friends, actually you are the first one to talk to me, or make an effort to be with me. Actually I don't know why are wasting your time with a pathetic person like me." I said quietly. "Air, you are not pathetic. Having no friends doesn't mean that you are pathetic. You are amazing and lovely that's why I am talking to you." Harry said gently.

"This can't be true, I mean no one likes me. I am annoying, everyone hates me. You don't know how many times I get rejected by girls and boys from my old school. Every time I'd try to be friends with them, I end up being rejected and humiliated." I said, tears slowly falls from my eyes. I really hate myself, I am pathetic.

"Air, listen don't cry please. You should know one thing that you are amazing. Maybe you don't have friends, but you should that whatever happened I'll be here for you." He said, pulling me into a hug. I cried even harder no one was ever nice to me.

"They say the most important years in your life are your teen years, you should relish every moment, make this years memorable, just be free and have fun, don't waste them." I paused."But I wasted them." I said. "So I say cheers, for the wasted youth and the wasted teen years." I said laughing at the end.

"How did you waste your teen years?" Harry asked. "I wasted them trying to be perfect, and please people. I wasted them in trying to fit in. I wasted them in trying to please my parents. I didn't give myself time to be happy." I said.

"Well, don't worry. I am going to let you live each and every moments were wasted from your teen years." He said. "How?" I questioned.

"We are going to do what teens do. Like going to bowling center, carnivals, riding bikes, and many other things." He said cheerfully. "Thank you so much Harry." I said, laughing.

He is the nicest person I have ever met. I can't wait to do all that things with him.

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