Chapter 1: Dark Passenger

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Chapter One: Darkness
I'm Riley. I'm gonna be 8 in a few weeks. I'm sooo excited. I thought to myself. I was thirsty and I forgot my juice pouch in the fridge. I was creeping slowly down the steps, trying not to wake mommy. Standing in front of my mother was a dark man, dark everything. He had just taken the life out of her. He then, ever so slowly, looked up at me. I felt him rush inside me, like wind going through my skin. I wiped off my face, assuming I was dreaming. As I looked down, I was covered in blood. More colorful than my juice was. I ran upstairs and looked in the mirror. My eyes were red, not bright red, but red. I was really scared. I washed myself off in the shower and called my grandma. I would have called my dad, but I didn't know where he was. Right before grandma got there my vision faded to black, just like the man was. The next thing my eyes could see was my grandma. She was nearly in tears. She picked me up in my footie pajamas and carried me out to her car. There was cop cars everywhere. The strangest part is, not one neighbor had come outside to see what had happened. The police claimed that a man had broken into my home and killed my mother. But I couldn't help but think it was my fault. End of Chapter One.

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