Chapter 1-Prison

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I open the door to Nathan's cell, I look down to see him lying on the floor with a black eye, "Come on, get up," I order.

"Oh man. I was having a great dream too..." Nathan replied I chuckle at him before helping him before grabbing his arms and putting them behind his back, "Sorry Nate, have to make it realistic," 

I lead him forward before the other guy grabs him from me, pushing him forward as I lead the way, "Hey, ah, any chance I can take a shower?" Nathan asks I wish I could but people would get suspicious that I'm helping a 'prisoner' and I can't get caught.

I stop by some stairs before turning to Nate ordering him to go up them, Nate looks at me and smiles, glaring at me playfully before I walk past him, walking up the stairs while Nate follows, suddenly Vargas comes out of nowhere, which in a way I'm sort of thankful for even though I hate his guts but walking past all the other inmates made me uncomfortable, why did I have to agree to do this.

I notice that Nate had stopped so I walk behind him and pushed him forward whilst Vargas ordered something to the inmates and gestured them to go, Vargas turns to Nate and announces, "Looks like you've got some fans," I roll my eyes as I walk behind Nate.

"Go!" Vargas orders and I push Nate through an entrance, he looks over his shoulder and I smile slightly shrug my shoulders, Nate turns back and carries on walking, Vargas grab Nate and said something in Spanish to another guard who is at a barred door. I wish I understood Spanish.

The guard opens the door after laughing about something, "I do speak a little Spanish, you know... Wait... What did you say?" I chuckle a bit, before following after Vargas and Nate, I nod to the guard who had just opened the door, only for me to get a wink back.

This is one of the reason's I hate being in this place, they all try and flirt with me, even the inmates and it's disgusting! but I have to do this, we shouldn't be here long, let's just hope we find what we're looking for.

As we all walk down the dark, dirty corridor, I look to my right to see two guards, beating another inmate up, these guards are just as bad as the inmates, they should be in the blue suits, not the brown ones.

"After you," Vargas says gesturing us to go through, Nate doesn't move so I push him so he moves down the steps with me following and Vargas following behind. I had no idea where we were going, Vargas only instructed me to go and get Nate, I didn't expect I'd have to come but I better listen to his orders, I don't want a beating like that poor guy was having.

Vargas walks past opening another barred door but this time there was no corridor but a beautiful view of the outside of the prison has been taken over by plants, the plants brought the beauty out of prison and the destroyed building.

"Okay. Take these cuffs off or what?" Nate asks and as I remember why we're here in this part of the prison, I don't understand why Vargas didn't tell me, oh well at least we're getting closer to getting out of this prison.

"I want in," I hear Vargas say, Nate and I look at him, I look at him in a weird way, why is he saying this now? Nate, of course, questioned about it and Vargas basically wants in, on something we're looking for this is why we're down here.

"Vargas... you agreed to help us get here, in and out, that's it," I say as I stand next to Nate, with my hands on my waist, staring at Vargas, I just don't get why he wants 'in' now. "Just? I'm sticking my neck out for you gingos..."

"Yeah and Rade is paying you a lot of money for your trouble," Nate replies as Vargas walks in front of us, bring out a yellow, folded envelope. "You wasn't supposed to open that!" I snap once I realised that he had opened it, he agrees and told us he wasn't supposed to take bribes, I'm not going to lie, he has a point, I always try to get away from bribes but somethings it difficult.

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