He has my heart

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I hadnt seen Carlisle since the kiss, but it was all i could think about. I was in love. Not in the stupid high school way, where everything was so complex and there was a hundred things that made me in love with him. In the way that i was in love with him and everything about him, it was as simple as that, i just simply was in love with him. I couldnt stop thinking about him, and i was missing him a lot. I was about to leave my house when there was a knock at my door. I opened the door to find Carlisle pacing in front of my steps and looking as if he hadnt slept in ages which is weird because vampires dont sleep.
"Carlisle! Whats wrong?, you look like crap!?" I said worryingly
As he turned and faced me so many emotions were on his face, worry, tiredness, hope, but one emotion that over powered them all was love, love that was for me.
" Rachel" he said nervously
" i have been thinking for ages of how to ask you this, and if im honest im nervous i dont know how to sa-"
"Yes" i said quickly
"You dont know what in going to say, love" Carlisle said softly
"Yes, i do, i dont know how but i can just read you, like i know you so well that you i know what your going to say, and its weird because ive not known you that long but i can just know" i rambled
" I love you, would you be my girlfriend?" Carlisle asked me a litlle nervous but so lovingly that it didn't matter
"Of course i will" i said beyond happy
Carlilse leaned in and kissed me, he kissed me with so much love and passion that it was a wonder that i wasn't literally knocked off my feet. Once we split he looked at me and said
"Ive not known you long but ive never let my guard down like this before and you can just understand me like no one else"
" Carlisle" i said feeling like crying " i love you"
"I love you too" he said
I wasnt in love with carlisle because he was simply good looking, it was because he understood me like no one could. There would be no going back from this, he has my heart

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, i this is possibly my favourite so far

-isla x

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