The accident

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"Hmmm" I thought how can children be so beautiful? Oh we better start roll call.
Heres the Cullens.
"Here ma'am"
"Ello" i laughed at that one!
"Here miss"
That continued for a while....
"And last but not least...Robert"
"Okay guys you can talk for a while" i said
A few minutes later the bell rang "see some of you in history guys"
A few periods later it was lunch thank the lord i was starving i went into the lunch room and went straight to the line and got myself some spaghetti, a can of coke and an apple. When i was walking out i spot the Cullens 'Dont they eat?' I saw Edward shake his head as almost as if he could here me. Strange i believe ive got them next period. I went back to my room eat my lunch And did some marking. After that i went on my phone checking Facebook and all that stuff when the bell went. A few minutes later guessing who walked in.... The Cullens they all sat at a group together. "Okay class since today is the first im just gonna let you do what ever you want guys" a cheer erupted from the Class. i laught softly and sat back and relaxed. *time skip to the end of the day*
I was walking out onto the car park. It was quite icy. When i heard a screeching sound i turned to the left to see a car shooting towards me thats all i saw before i blacked out.

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter thanks until next time byeeeee 💞

Carlisle Cullen 'My one and only'Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon