the Cullens are VAMPIRES

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I woke from the most amazing dreams about Carlisle I'm falling hard for this guy. I got ready and jumped in my car as I arrived at school I noticed and extra car next to the Cullens cars. "I wonder whos car that is" I muttered to myself as I got into school I saw....... Carlisle up against the front desk
I went up and tapped him on the back "hello Carlisle"
"Oh hello Rachel I was looking for you I need to ask you something"
"Okay would you like me to come to yours later"
"Actually miss McMillan there is a substitute teacher to take your place so you can go the now" the reseptionist said politely
"Oh okay um lets go then"
"After you"
When we got out of Carlisle's car i noticed that we were at the woods "um Carlisle what are we doing here"
"RacheI Need to tell you something and this might not sound believable but youve got to trust me"
"O-okay" I stuttered
We walked deeper onto the woods and Carlisle suddenly came to a Holt
" have you noticed anything unusual about our family" he muttered
"Um well your skin is unusually pale, Your eyes are a beautiful golden colour, your never out in sunlight, your family are distant from everyone at school." As I said all this I relieased that it sounded like he was a......vampire it sounded crazy but why else would he take me out here "your skin is ice cold...... Carlisle what are you and your family?" I asked skeptically

"We're vampires"

Carlisle Cullen 'My one and only'Where stories live. Discover now