Rock Show (Part 2)

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Ivy's POV

I sat in silence with my eyes trained on the mirror in front of me. Kirstie sat next to me in the same exact position. We didn't talk, but the quiet was comfortable. It let me figure out how I was going to deal with thousands of people staring at no one else but me. "Anything specific you were wanting?"

I looked up at the makeup artist as she finished my face, leaving only my eyes and lips. "I trust you to do as you please," I told her with a small laugh. We were in the process of getting our hair and makeup done, one of the longest processes I've been through. Just sitting there made me nervous.

Kirstie was done before I was and stood up. "I'll be right back. I gotta take care of something," she said with a smile and ran off before I could say anything. I shrugged a bit and sat back once my makeup was done. My hair was almost done since they decided just having it straightened was perfect.

I was done in no time and stood up, stretching my arms and legs as I looked at the time. I had an hour. It amazed me that even from my dressing room, I could hear the commotion from he audience already piling in. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I waited until I was alone to change clothes, finishing off the outfit with a simple and small necklace, but one that I couldn't see myself not wearing.

I pulled on my boots and checked myself in the mirror before grabbing my jacket and walking out. It didn't take long to find everyone else huddled in a small group that happened to disperse as soon as they caught sight of me. "What's this about?"

"Nothing," Mitch answered almost too quickly. "Nothing you need to worry about. We were just going over some parts to make sure we had them down."

The lie was written all over his face, but I simply nodded and pulled my jacket on. "Hey Scott can I talk to you?"

"Yeah of course." I motioned for him to follow as I walked away a good distance from everyone else. "What's up?" he asked once we were out of earshot.

"You know I plan on doing five songs right?" He nodded and I continued. "I was planning on doing Somewhere Only We Know second and I was wondering if you would mind helping me out and playing piano on it." I gave him a nervous smile and ran a hand through my hair. "I mean some of them have probably heard the recording I did but I want it to be different and I think it would be a nice touch since the main part of the song is a piano."

He started thinking which only prolonged my nervousness until I realized that he wasn't even thinking. He began pacing and tapping his chin, and I started cracking up. "You act like I'd say no. I don't mind at all," he said and gave me a brief hug before we returned to the others.

We said a prayer, one I knew I'd need and headed towards the stage, stopping just short. Avi pulled me aside and handed me my guitar and a pick. "You'll be fine. Just act like you're singing for us and don't worry about them." He handed me my in-ears and I quickly put them in. "We'll be right here watching," he told me and pecked my lips quickly before he walked away, leaving me to my thoughts and possible mild panic attack.

The lights dimmed until it was completely dark, and I took the opportunity to carefully make my way on stage and set up my guitar and the mic. I sat down and closed my eyes, letting out a small breath as I heard Esther in one of my ears.

"5...4...3...2...1...They're all yours." As soon as she gave me the go-ahead, I began playing, still able to hear the crowd though I heard more of my playing which helped.

"This was all you, none of it me
You put your hands on, on my body and told me, mmm
You told me you were ready
For the big one, for the big jump
I'd be your last love everlasting you and me
That was what you told me

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