1 - Happiness

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1 - Happiness

When Kellin was just under one year old, he experienced Christmas for the first time. All the bright colourful fairy lights and the shiny presents under the Christmas tree he had watched his mum, Mary, and dad, Jeuse, decorate just a couple of days before.

He sat quietly on the leather sofa where his parents had placed him, watching intently, squinting his baby blue eyes at his mum. She walked over to him, placing a big squishy parcel in his lap.

Kellin was confused. What's this thing doing here? He wondered to himself, blinking up at his mother with wide eyes and a confused expression.

She smiled softly, taking his chubby little hands in her own, helping him to unwrap the present.

Once all the red Santa Claus printed paper had been stripped off, a big plush teddy bear was placed on Kellin's lap.

He squealed in delight, picking up the bear and holding it close him, squeezing it tightly. Kellin's lips formed into a small smile; his first ever smile.

Kellin's dad came into the room with a camera, snapping pictures of Kellin and his new bear for the family photo album.

Kellin was happy and that's all his parents could ever want and more.


This is really short, I know. Only read this fic if you can handle chapters shorter than Vic Fuentes himself because it was originally going to be posted as a one shot, but it got too long so I made it into a chaptered story instead :3

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