Chapter 21: Omnicorp, Ochenkov, and Others

Start from the beginning

"Please, let me excuse myself from earlier." The man attempted to stand as best he could with his arrested situation and made a little bow. "I am Rick Deckard, Circuit Breaker." Porter's eyes went wide at hearing this. Circuit Breakers were a very legendary group of assassins and mercenaries who worked around the world. To have tea with one in your room was sheer madness! "I apologize for my actions in trying to..." Rick paused and searched for the right wording to finish but Porter beat him to it.

"To kill us."

"Well not entirely but yes. I am afraid I made a terrible mistake. I had no idea what a kind, sweet young lady this Riya is. Her compassion towards me has touched my heart. To show mercy to your killer..." He stopped again and wiped a little tear from his eye. "To show mercy why, it is such a noble and rare thing to do."

"Yes and often stupid," Porter snapped. "Riya what are you thinking? Leaving a guy like that in your room so casually!"

"Well, you always have to be respectful of those you welcome into your home Porter," Riya answered. "He is still a person."

"And I am forever in your debt, young lady. Your ways have shown me the error of my own. I wish to serve in whatever way possible for you." Rick gave another bow, this time to Riya.

Riya gave him a very warm smile back. "Thank you for that Rick. You're a very nice man. But I would like to know exactly why you were sent to do what you were doing."

"Well it's my job. I was hired by a company to bring you back to them, preferably alive but dead was acceptable, without anyone knowing." The Circuit Breaker surveyed the room in a bit of awe. He seemed to be so shocked by everything about Riya.

Riya's face grew dark at hearing the news. "A company you say? Which one exactly?"

"Well I'm not really supposed to divulge my employer's information..." Riya's shoulders and head drooped with disappointment and Rick stood up from his chair with an air of determination. "Bah, I cannot let such a kind girl down like this! It was a group called Omnicorp, a global megacorporation that supplies various products and weapons to the four countries."

"Yes I know who they are," Riya replied. They have a rival company, Bittel Inc. My father's company..."

Porter spit the tea back out he had just started drinking. "You're the daughter of Enver Bittel?! The rumours are true! Holy s-"

"Please Porter, keep quiet. I don't need everyone in the school finding this sort of stuff out. Let's just pretend that I'm the daughter of someone nobody knows."

Rick rubbed his chin in philosophical contemplation. "Then it makes sense for them to go after you like this, trying to kidnap you for ransom or kill you to hurt your father. But I'm afraid I have some bad news." The two teens stopped their discussion to stare at the Circuit Breaker. "While I am not going to do anything to you anymore, there is still a file for request submitted to the main Circuit Breaker headquarters and so long as it is not fulfilled they will keep sending more of us after you."

"That is an issue," Riya said quietly. "Is there any way to get rid of that file? Can you go and clear it?"

"Alas I do not have that kind of access to our systems," Rick answered.

"What if we go get rid of it?" Porter asked the question with a serious naive innocence and was met with complete prostration from Rick.

"Go in yourselves? Ha, impossible. First, I cannot reveal the location of the headquarters, even to one as sweet as Riya. Second, even if I did you would never survive, not even for a second. I am one of the lowest ranking soldiers and just taking down me required quite an effort from you two." Porter went to interject that it actually wasn't that hard to beat Rick but the man continued on. "But that does raise a different idea. It is possible for you to go to Omnicorp and take down the file from there by submitting a removal of the request. So long as it is sent from the same computer it should work."

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