what's next?

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I walked back to the pool, drink in my hand. I decided to change my mind and go to the beach. There was a lot of people by the pool this early in the morning. I just wanted to look at the beautiful clouds and the water. I grabbed my flip flops and walked to the beach. The water was so clear and sparkly, like diamonds. There was a light breeze, and barely anyone on the beach. This was perfect for me because I wanted privacy. The last thing I wanted was to be on the gossip sites. I needed to relax and release all of my worries before I tackled on new ones. I walked to the edge of the water and let it cover my knees. A lady was walking her dog, and two kids were playing with a Frisbee. I sat down right on the edge where the rocks were so that I wouldn’t drown. The tide picked up a bit, and the water rushed over me. It was cool and smelled amazing. I laid back, pretending I was in a music video and letting the water flow through my hair. I was deep into my fantasy…
I jerked up, and saw Odell standing over me. He was shirtless and had his beats headphones wrapped around his neck. He wore a smile on his face, eyes slanted. “What are you doing?”
“Enjoying my vacation, until YOU interrupted me” I jumped up, adjusting my bikini. I don’t know if I accidentally flashed him because his eyes were on my groin. “Eyes up here, my nigga” I yelled, pointing at them. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “I’m sorry Kay. I was just running, and I saw you. I kind of thought you were drowning until I noticed that you were singing and gyrating. Water felt that good?” He laughed and stuck his tongue out a bit. I gently hit his arm and he laughed some more. I grabbed my towel and wrapped myself up. “What’s the plan for today?” We walked and talked. He told me about how Vic walked up on him at my door the other day. I tensed up a bit. I didn’t want them to beef over me, but I’m an adult and can speak to who I want to. “I wouldn’t worry about all of that, O. Vic won’t be any trouble.”
“But we’re co-workers, literally. I have to be on the field with him. Shit’s gonna be intense.”
“Not if you ignore it.” I rubbed his chin and walked away, leaving him to his run.


I set out for a morning run. I wanted to clear my head on the whole Victor drama. When he rolled up on me, I walked away to avoid the shit, but it followed us right into the room. The fellas noticed the tension between us as we all gathered around the table to eat. Ben was snapping his food, Von was putting hot sauce on his spaghetti, Shep was nowhere to be found, apparently he was with his girlfriend eating her. Victor was giving me death stares. I did my best to avoid his evil eyes. “Let’s pray” Von said and we closed our eyes. I felt Vic’s eyes burning off my curls as Von said this extral long prayer. “Alright alreadt” ben said, breaking the prayer. Von cussed at him, and they started arguing.
“Okay yall” I laughed. “Let’s eat” we all started to eat our food, but Vic kept staring at me. “What’s wrong, Vic?” Ben asked, mouth full of garlic bread. Vic didn’t respond. I cleared my throat and Von and Ben looked at me, then Vic, then back at me. “WHAAAATTTT?” I asked, eating a forkful of spaghetti. “Something ain’t right” Von concluded.
“This nigga pushing up on my girl!” Vic exclaimed
“Your girl!” I yelled
“Your girl?” Von and Ben said in unison, then started laughing. They were a comedy duo no one thought was funny. “Wait…let me get this straight, who you talking about, Victor?”
“Kimberly Michelle Pate” Von took off his glasses and wiped them. R. Sauls rubbed his goatee, while Juice looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. “Is this true?” Juice asked.
“I confronted K on her running her mouth about me. That’s what Vic saw” I lied. I didn’t want beef with my brother. Bros before hoes, remember?

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