Chapter 5

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"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked. He stood up and walked towards me. I didnt move in fright but I moved to place Lilly down getting ready for a fight. "My name is Mason, Mason Jackson. And I am here for her." He pointed to Lilly. "Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. "I said I am here fo-" "I heard what you said but what do you mean here for her?" "Well, one of my many one nighters is her mother. Her biological mother. Which makes me her-" "Father" I said in defeat. "Bingo" Shit how could I not see this coming. Well, maybe I did but I just didnt think it would be this soon. "So, correct me if I'm wrong but you thought you could just come in my home univited and take away MY daughter?" I asked getting upset. "Well, first off I was invited in and secondly, yes. I was hoping this would be easy." He said shrugging. "Ugh, when a 4 year old tells someone to come in isnt necessicarily an invite you asshole." I replied. "Ok, so here's our problem... You want to keep her and I want her and obviously I am very rich and successful so there is no winning in court. So, we can either go the easy way or the hard way." "And what is the easy way, Mr. Jackson?" "Well, it's very simple Miss. Baker..." He walked closer too me and swiftly pulled me into him. "Marriage." He whispered in my ear. I tried to contain the flutters in my heart. He pulled back and pulled me back to earth at the same time. "Oh hell no! I dont even know you! why would i marry you?" "Oh, I dont know... maybe to keep our daughter." I scoffed "Oh, so now she's our daughter?" "Yeah, its that or I take you to court and keep her for myself splitting her and her brother up forever. You will have no visiting rights nor will he." He stated in a business tone. "Can I at least have some time to think about this. I mean we were on our way out to have some fun. I have a little boy upstairs counting on it." I nodded in understanding and then smirked. What is it with boys smirking so much these days? "I'm coming with you." He stated sounding final. "Um, how about no." "well what am I supposed to do?" he asked. "Oh, I dont know. Anything. Nothing. Or you could hang out with my neighbor. Ive heard shes a crazy lover." i said seriously. "You mean that thing next door that practically humped my leg until it was becoming numb??? How about...NO!! I'm with you today. Just think of this as a family outing." He said smirking. "Ugh!" I huffed and yelled for Jerden to come downstairs. He quickly ran to me hugging my leg. "Am I in trouble mommy?" he asked looking up at me with glossy eyes. I bent down picking him up. "No baby. Just dont let anyone that you dont know inside. In fact, just dont answer the door." I heard Mason chuckle behind me. I glared at him and he stopped and tried to hide his smile. I rolled my eyes. "Just grab Lilly and come on." I said walking towards the door with Jerden still on my hip. "Yes mam" He said and then grabbed her and followed me. I headed towards my car but he stopped me. "We're taking my car." "Um, no I have their stuff already set up in my car." I replied. "I like my car better" "I don't care. We are taking my car and that's final." I said walking off to my car buckling Jerden in. "Fine but I'm driving" He commented following me. "Men and their pride" I said shaking my head. "Now your learning" He said securing Lilly in. As we were aboutto get in my neighbor came out. "Oh, no! Hurry! Get in the car now!!" I quickly said pushing him to the other side of the car. "What's wrong?" He said looking worried. "Look over there" I pointed towards her. His eyes followed to where I was pointing and he smiled. "I know how to take care of her" He swiftly pushed me against the car blocking me in. "What the hell, Mason?!" I whisper yelled. "Just watch" He whispered. While waiting for whatever was supposed to happen, I got the chance to really check him out. He is beautiful. He has the same captivating eyes as Lilly. Perfect face in all. We just stood there staring at each other. He started slowly moving closer and I didn't stop him. It was like I was in a trance but it was quickly broken when our lips were close to touching by a voice. "MaKayla? Is that you?" I heard a nasially voice say coming closer. I took a deep breath and looked over Mason's shoulder. "Yeah, it's me" I said and then leaned my head back on the car and rubbed my face with my hands trying to shake off what almost happened. How could you want to kiss someone you just met not even an hour ago? What is wrong with me? This is not like me. I opened my eyes to see Mason still staring at me but quickly diverted his eyes when Barbara came up to us. He put his arm around my waist pulling me into him. She looked at his arm around me and then back up to us. "Who is this, MaKayla?" She said flirtatiously. "Um..." I began but was interrupted. "Mason Jackson... Her fiancee" He said proudly. That little shit!! "Fiancee? I didnt even know you were in a relationship. Well, this must be the reason why you didn't want any of my men to accompany you." Barbara said. "Although that is a very big reason, She also didn't want anything that has been near that." Mason replied waving his hand in front of her. I tried covering up a laugh with a cough. "You ok there babe?" Mason asked patting my back. I nodded. "Mommy, come on" I heard Jerden yell from the car. "Coming sweetie!" I said back and then turned back to Barbara. "Well, it's been a nice chat but we have a big day ahead of us and we better get going, right babe?" I said going along with what Mason was doing. They both looked stunned. "What?" I asked confused. "You have a son?" Barbara asked. I looked at Mason for help and he smirked liking the fact that I called him 'babe' and that I was looking at him for help. "Yes and we have a daughter. The reason you haven't seen them is because they were staying with me while she came here to help with the resturant. But we ARE going to be moving back home SOON since she is finished with her work here. Right honey?" He said still smirking. I quickly glared at him and then covered it up and smiled. "That's right, sweetie." I grabbed his hand and said "We really need to be going now or we ARE going to have a VERY upset little boy. Nice seeing you Barbara." I pulled him to the car and he got in and so did I. I turned to him getting ready to give him a piece of my mind but instead he grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine. Kissing me softly. I was stunned for a second but then kissed him back. Our lips moving perfectly in sync. "Mommy, why is the man sucking on your face?" Jerden's voice broke through our moment. My eyes were still closed when I heard Mason answer, "Because that's what mommy and daddy do to show they like each other." I opened my eyes to see Mason still looking at me. I blushed and put my seatbelt on. "You're my daddy?" Jerden asked. "yes I am little man" He started the car and backed out beginning our 'Family outing'. What have I gotten myself into?

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