Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up early and checked when the flights from Puerto Rico would land. It was an hour drive to the airport and the plane would land in an hour and a half, so I had to rush. I forgot about breakfast and just decided I would just get breakfast with them. After quickly doing my usual morning rutine I sped out of the driveway and made my way to pick up my future with a smile on my face the whole ride probably looking like an idiot to the rest of the people around me. I made it in 45 minutes and rushed inside. While rushing in i bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I should've watched where I was going." I said in a rush. "Yeah you should've!" A sexy gruff voice stated firmly. "Well at least have some compassion you piece of-" I turned around only to be greeted by a chest. I slowly looked up and saw the most heavenly looking man I've ever seen. My eyes wide as I stared at him taking in each feature. His mouth turned into a smirk. "Oh please continue, I'm a piece of what? hunky man? stud?" He leaned in close and whispered, "sex god?" he chuckled and pulled away. I was still in a trance but was quickly awoken by the sound of the intercom. "FLIGHT 23 FROM PUERTO RICO IS NOW LANDING". I quickly composed myself and smirked. "oh no sweetie, you're exactly what I was going to say..." this time I leaned in close. "piece of shit." then turned and walked away. I waited impatiently for Jerden and Leiliani to arrive. I waited about 15 minutes and then felt a tap on my leg. I turned around thinking it was the smexy man coming back for more but instead I looked down to see my new son. "Hey mommy number 2" Jerden said with a huge smile. I grabbed him up and hugged him tightly and spinned around. "Hey baby" Someone cleared their throat. I stopped and saw a middle aged lady with a baby in a carseat and some bags. "Jerden, we talked about this. She is your mommy now not number 2." "Oh no its fine! He has a real mom so I don't really want to take that from him." I replied. She motioned me close. I leaned in. "She killed herself right after she sent them with me. I got the news on the way over." She said with a sad look. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." She wiped a tear and quickly put on a smile and said "But at least they are with an amazing woman who can give them a great life now." We exchanged numbers and I picked up Leiliani's carseat and grabbed the little walmart sack of things they had and took Jerden's hand and walked to the car. I had already set Jerden a toddler seat in the car and Leiliani a carseat. I buckled Jerden in and he looked around amazed. "Is dis my seat?" He said rubbing his chair softly. "Yes its all yours" I replied. He smiled to himself and leaned back. I strapped Leiliani in her new carseat and threw the old dirty one away. "Are you hun-" I stopped when I looked in the mirror. Jerden was already asleep and so was Lilly. "Well, I guess we are going home" I whispered to myself and drove home.

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