Chapter 4

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Chapter 4  Almost patched up

Three weeks has passed since the ‘showdown’ with Millie. Things between Evan and I are getting a little better, he’s still ignoring me but at least he said other words instead of ‘No’. I was still having dinner at Evan’s place everyday and that’s what gave me the chance to pester him. But my parents will be back next week so I won’t be eating there anymore.


Yes! Finally the last bell rang, ending the boring lesson. 

I dashed out of the classroom and rushed to my locker. Students swarmed the entire walkway and the noise level was beyond controllable. I dumped my books into my locker and my eyes caught the picture pinned there.

It was the one that was taken with Evan when I was 7. Chocolate ice-cream was melting in my hands and there were brown spots on my white dress. Evan was licking a strawberry ice-cream grinning at me. He looked so adorable with his floppy blond hair and twinkling blue eyes. He was my only best friend and I confided everything with him.

Sigh, when did things start going downhill? I really missed those days.

“Boo!” someone yelled from behind. I jumped in surprise and placed my hand over my heart as if I could stop it from jumping out.

“Sherry!” I chastised “You gave me a fright”

“Oops sorry” she said, not being sorry at all.

“Where’s Chris?” I asked.

“He’ll meet us at the carpark; he has to meet a teacher. Let’s go.” Sherry said.

Sherry was telling me about how she and Chris met and some of his embarrassing moments. Like when his brother pulled his pants down when he was 10 in front of his crush. I was so lost in the story that I did not notice someone behind me.

Just as I took my first step on the stairs, someone pushed me and I lost my balance. My legs gave way and the next thing I knew, I was rolling down the stairs. My head knocked against something hard and my vision blurred. I could feel people around me moving and someone who sounded like Sherry, screamed.

There were pounding of footsteps and someone yelled “Chloe!”

“Chloe! Stay with me” his voice sounded frantic and I could recognise that voice anywhere.

Darkness descended upon me and I gladly accepted it.


“I’m sorry” she sniffed; her eyes were brimming with shiny tears.

“Don’t worry Millie, it’s ok” I said, smiling. Millie’s parents sternly reminded her to be more careful and not to break my things and she nodded. The moment they left, she rubbed her tears away with her hands and glared at me.

“What’s wrong? Do you want to play together?” I asked innocently.

“You’re what’s wrong. I only did that to please my parents. I hate you” she spat before stomping away. I sighed in response.

“Chloe, please wake up” someone pleaded. Pulling me out slowly from my dreams.

Do you know the feeling of having a huge rock tied to your leg and you are thrown into the sea, trying desperately to swim to the surface?

That’s the feeling that I was experiencing.

“You can’t just leave and enter someone’s life. And break my heart anytime you like. You want to know why I changed right? So please wake up.” Evan said.

Break his heart? Since when did I do that?

I tried my best to pry my eye open and soon a white sterile room came into view. Evan was sitting next to me and he was deep in his thoughts.

“Water” I croaked out, my lips felt really dry.  

He seemed to jump a feet into the air before recovering and gently handed me a cup of water. He pushed the button above my bed to call for the doctor. I placed the cup on the table at the side once I was done and looked hesitantly at Evan.

“Do you remember what happened?” he asked.

“Erm, I fell off the stairs?” I said, but it came out more like a question.

Just then a female doctor came in with a clipboard and check through a few things with me. “You have suffered minor concussions, a few bruises and scrapes and a twisted ankle. You have to stay overnight for observation and if there’s nothing wrong, you can leave tomorrow.”

“Thank you Doctor” Evan said when she left the room. All of a sudden, I felt sleepy again. I yawned at Evan stood up, ready to leave.

“You should rest now” he said. I had no clue what came over me but I did not want to be alone.

I caught his arm and whispered “Will you stay with me until I sleep?”

He thought for a moment before saying “Ok”

“Not there, here.” I patted my bed when he wanted to take his seat in the chair. It must be uncomfortable sitting in that chair.

He slowly climbed in beside me and I said “Don’t worry, I don’t break that easily”

I snuggled closely towards him, feeling safe for once and that night, the dreams did not haunt me. 


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I am so so sorry for not uploading.

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