Chapter 7

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Dealing with high school bullies like Millie is much easier if you have support from your friends. But if you don't, you will be screwed in less than a year.

Before I left, I remembered there was this girl in 9th grade, she was the smartest girl in the school. She had her own groups of friends, her own life, and her own happy family. Things started to go downhill when she accidently stepped on Millie's feet during gym. Millie started spreading rumors about her and that girl, Lily, started to get withdrawn. Her grades started falling, her friends left her for fear that Millie would go after them too, leaving poor Lily alone. I watched from the sidelines, watching Lily sink deeper and deeper into depression every day. I knew I should have done something, but I didn't... One day, she just could not take the bullying anymore and she committed suicide.

Up until now, I felt guilty that I did not stand up for her. A life was lost no thanks to Millie, bullying needs to be stopped. At that time, I was already being bullied by Millie but with Lily coming into the picture, Millie temporarily stopped taking action on me. I knew something had to be done about her, she was taking things too far...

The next day when I arrived in school, I heard various rumors flying around, one that involved me, Chris and Evan. As I walked down the aisles, I could hear various snippets of conversations and they were not subtle at all.

"She's such a slut, heard that she's cheating on Evan with Chris, and Evan found out" one of them whispered.

"Poor Evan, he doesn't deserve someone like her" another one said.

They don't even know me, how could they judge? But that was high school, people didn't care about what you really are but your outer cover. I wanted to go and yell at them but decided against it.

It was obvious who had started it, but I couldn't care less to correct the rumor. A rumor, after all, is not true and there was no point clearing it. Even if I told Millie to mind her own business, she would still find a way to spread some nasty news about me.

I skipped to the classroom, eager to start a new day, hoping to see Evan and clear his misunderstanding about Chris and me. I knew he was angry with me, he did not stop by my house like he usually would and I had to drive to school by myself. He did not even leave a message to tell me to go to school on my own. I just woke up in the morning and saw him speeding off. I should be the one to be angry.

There was one question that kept buzzing in my head, what was he angry about?

As I got nearer to the classroom, I realized something was different. It was much noisier and raucous than usual, fuelling my curiosity every minute. The first person I spotted when I entered the classroom was Evan. And he was not alone. He had half his tongue shoved down a girl's throat and their hands were roaming across each other's body. Everyone nearby was whistling loudly, shouting obscene words and things were getting heavier by the minute.

A pang of indescribable pain went through my heart and I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. What was wrong with me? Evan wasn't even my boyfriend or anything, so why did I feel jealous and more than that, betrayed? I should have known he would have a girlfriend; he was after all a really smart and handsome guy and which girl wouldn't want to be his girlfriend?. Shit, I shouldn't be even acting like this; as his best friend, I should be happy for him. Watch your heart Chloe, I thought to myself.

I wanted to close my eyes and stop myself from watching the scene unfold but my body seemed to have gotten thrown into the North Pole, I was frozen. Just then, a pair of big rough hands covered my eyes and I reached up to grab it-shocked from the sudden lack of light.

Better than ever (on hold until further notice)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora