Part 2

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3 months later.

You were sitting at the bar with a drink you hand. You were traveling the around the VS in the past 3 months. You were getting a last drink when a guy came to sit next to you. He shoved the bar seat closer to you. He sat on it and was now facing your way. You didn't even look at him. You could smell his breath alcohol and a mix of cigarettes.

"HI" You hear the man say. You don't respond to him not even look towards him. "HI" He says louder now also touching your arm. You look towards him. He was just about 24 years old, he had this curly blond hair and a great smile and then you saw his eyes. They were pitch black. How was that possible.

"Are you alone?" He says snapping you out of your thoughts.

"No" You said to him turning back to your own drink.

The man chuckles a little bit. "Yes you are." He says touching your arm again. He goes with his hand down your arm and rested it on your leg. "I live nearby." He continues. You know right away what he wanted. You paid you drink and started walking to the door not giving the man another chance to talk to you.

You walked out of the bar and went to a side street leading right to your hotel.

In just a few seconds you feel a hand on you neck. It makes you turn around and in just a matter of moments a person is pinning you towards the wall. The person has his hand on your neck tighten it up you could barely breath. You get a look at the man and you recognise him right away it was the same men who just talked to you. Your sight begins to darken till you pass out.

You heard two man talk. You couldn't understand what they were saying. You tried to open your eyes but they were too heavy. You took a few deep breaths and tried to concentrate on the two voices.

"Dean this is bad." You heard one of the man say. "We shouldn't have brought her here."

"Sammy I know but what else could we do?" The other man says. "After she wakes up we look how she is doing and then we get back on the road." the man continues.

You tried to open your eyes again now successful. In front of you saw another bed. You saw a man sitting on it with the back against the wall. You didn't recognised him. You looked down to see how the room looked like, It looked a lot like your own hotel room but just with 2 beds. Another man appears in your eye sight. He looked younger than the man sitting on the bed. He looked towards you.

"Dean she's awake." He says walking towards you.

The man who was sitting on the bed was now in front of you.

You move your hands to your head rubbing it.

"Are you okay?" one of them said.

You nod your head.

"Dean give her some room. She just woke up." you looked towards the men. One of them took a step back. "Can you sit up?" The younger guy continued.

You sat up with you back resting on the wall. You look at the both of the man.

"I'm Dean." the man that sat on the bed said. "and this is my little brother Sammy." he continued pointing to the other guy.

"My name is Sam." the younger guy said. "what's your name?"

"I'm y/n" You said to them.

You stare at both of them.

"How did I get here?" You asked them.

The man looked at each other.

"We saw this guy pin you up the wall. Before we could save you had already blacked out. After that we brought you here till you woke up." Sam said

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