reason eight

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this chapter is super cliche and cheesy but what else is new in this fanfic. you also might wanna listen to long way home while reading this chapter, just a suggestion.

side note: just to make this clear, all of these chapters are all sporadically placed. they're not in order, which I assume you can tell, but just in case. each chapter begins with present day Luke explaining why he loves Calum, and then a flashback that goes with that reason. one chapter/flashback could be from when they just met, and the next could be three years from then. they're not in order. does this make sense?

okay, I just wanted to clear that up. carry on and let the good times roll homies.

his carefree personality.

"His soothing eyes, and his carefree smile are all I need in the midst of such uncertainty." -unknown.


The Calum that I know has never been afraid of much. There's the occasional things that freak him out: spiders, snakes, sometimes even birds. But he's never been too afraid of certain things.

He is very spontaneous, that's one thing that I, along with everybody else, know. He's not afraid to try new things or meet new people. Calum is the total opposite of me, that's for sure.

My biggest fear? Change. It always has been, and it probably always will be.

Maybe that's why we're so great together; we balance each other out.

His carefree, yet still caring, personality is a major factor that drew me towards him in the beginning, and it's still drawing me in now.


"Luke? Wake up," Calum whispers, shaking Luke's shoulders forcefully. Luke groaned tiredly and whipped a pillow at Calum's face. The tan boy chuckled and threw himself on top of Luke's body.

"Wake up," Calum pleads excitedly. Luke groaned again and wrapped his lanky arms around the love of his life.

"Go back to bed, Cal. It's the middle of the night," Luke states. Calum chuckled and pecked Luke's lips.

"I'm making coffee. Be down in five, or no sex for a week," Calum demanded and skillfully unraveled himself from Luke's hold. Luke pretended to gasp and shot right out of bed, immediately wrapping the blanket around his shivering body like a burrito. Calum silently cooed as Luke dragged him to their kitchen to make coffee.

"Why are we even up at," Luke paused to look at the time on the microwave. "3:27 in the morning?"

"I wanted to go swimming," Calum stated nonchalantly, as if what he said didn't sound absurd. Luke cocked his eyebrow up and gave Calum a look saying 'you're joking, right?'.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I couldn't sleep, and I want to go swimming," Calum explained as he poured the scolding coffee into two mugs: one penguin and one puppy.

"I better be getting lots of blow jobs to make up for all of the sleep I'm losing," Luke quietly mumbled to himself as he blew on his plain coffee.

Calum has always found this weird and disgusting. How could someone just drink black coffee? It's bitter and harsh.

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