On The Honor Of A Boyscout

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"Hello mother." he said with tears in his voice. "What a lovely spot. I am so sorry that I couldn't be here for the funeral. But I think you'd be proud of me. I'm a changed man. Or...at least I'm trying to be. To be honest...I don't know, if I'm going to make it without you...."

"You don't have to worry, Mrs. K." Alyssa stepped up and took his hand. "Ozzie's gonna be okay." Oswald gave his friend a grateful smile.

"Hello." an older, fancy dressed man drew their attention. "I'm terribly sorry, I don't mean to interrupt."

"Not at all." Oswald assured. "Lilies." he gestured to the bouquet the man was holding.

"Her favorite, if memory serves."

"Yes they were. Did you know her?" he asked as the man set the flowers in front of the headstone.

"Long time ago. I found her again only in death, I'm afraid. I'm Elijah Van Dahl." he held out a hand to the pair.

"Alyssa Connors."

"Oswald Cobblepot."

"...Cobblepot...You're related to Gertrude?"

"My mother." Oswald informed.

"...Mother? You're Gerturde's son?"

"Yes. I-I'm sorry how did you know my mother exact–"

"How old are you?" Elijah cut him off.

"Excuse me?"

"How old are you? Gertrude left –"

"I'm twenty-seven."

"Twenty-seven years ago, yes that's right. Oh my god, she...she never told me!"

"Told you what?" Alyssa frowned.

"That I had a son."


Elijah Van Dahl lived in a very old, very big house that reminded Alyssa of the drawings she had made of her dream home as a child. The man supplied Oswald with some dry clothes to change into while he and Alyssa talked of the woman who had brought them all together.

"Mrs. K wasn't all that fond of me at first. She thought I was a bad influence." Alyssa said as she took a seat across from Elijah. "She was right of course, but I think she eventually understood that she couldn't keep Ozzie sheltered forever."

"It sounds as though you and Oswald are very close."

"He's my best friend. Has been since we were kids."

"I'm glad he had someone like you in his life."

"So what happened?" Alyssa asked, taking the cup of tea that was offered to her. "Why didn't you know about him?"

"Gertrude, came to work as a cook for my family." Elijah informed. "We were young....my parents were furious when they found out. I threatened to run away with her. Turn my back on my inheritance and my name. It was the first and only time I stood up to them. They must have known my words were just that; a spoiled child making idle threats." he sighed. "The next day, she was gone. My parents wouldn't tell me where she was, only that she'd be taken care of, and that I was not to look for her. And to my shame I didn't...."

"I never actually thought to ask about you." Alyssa admitted. "Oswald and his mother were so close, it seemed impossible to imagine anyone else in their little family unit."

"Oh, I hardly think that fair my dear." Elijah smiled slightly. "After all, she let you in, didn't she?"


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