The Pain Of Being Alive

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The end of Theo Galavan's parade of terror wasn't as much of a relief as Alyssa wanted it to be. The city was still in disarray, and the GCPD were up in arms to track down Oswald.

The man in question had left the safety of his friend's hotel in favor of hiding on the streets. He had no real interest in returning to his position in Gotham's underworld, and was resigned to his fate of eventually being found and arrested. Alyssa had protested, but he'd said it was better the police found him alone than with the mayor of Gotham.

All this is was valid, but it didn't make the mayor feel any better. She didn't like what her city had become – didn't like the feeling of going through the motions. What was the point? No matter what she did to protect Gotham it seemed to be set on a path of self-destruction. There had been a time when the city was almost a scared child; needing nurturing and protection to grow up...stable. Caring for thing no one gave a damn about was Alyssa's specialty; which was why she had flourished in the city of sin. But now it seemed the city she loved was determined to destroy her – and the worst part was that it was succeeding.

'Stop it, please.'

'I don't want to....'

'I'm sorry.'

Alyssa sighed and put her head in her hands. Maybe she was just fighting a loosing battle. Pushing away and denying what was inevitable.

Great, now she was getting poetic.

The sound of the bell over the hotel door made her look up. She frowned at the dark haired man she did not recognize.

"Can I help you?"

The man smiled as he walked up to the front desk. "I, don't mean to trouble you Madame Mayor, but your office said I'd find you here."

"I wasn't aware I was being looked for." Alyssa straightened, her curiosity peaked.

"Yes well, I imagine my message would have been of little consequence. Uh, Victor, by the way. Victor Fries." he held out a hand.

"Alyssa Connors. But you knew that."

"Of course, you're very popular." he smiled, almost nervously. "Listen, Madame Mayor –"

"Oh, Alyssa, please."

"Alyssa." he nodded. "I understand that you're a very busy woman, but well, my wife Nora has always been a big admirer of your's. And, you see, she's sick, but she uh, she always talked about how she wanted to meet you."

Alyssa blinked. "Really?"

"Yes, I was hoping – well it doesn't matter. You're the mayor, I wouldn't expect you –"

"Now hold on." she cut him off. "I never said no. I just, I never had someone ask to meet me."

"Well you're her hero." he smiled. "She grew up in and out of foster care, and the things you've been doing for the kids in Gotham really hit home with her."

Alyssa smiled, feeling very flattered and humble. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Victor Fries."

"And your wife, Nora was it?"

"Yes mam."

"Well Mr. Fries, I'd be delighted to meet Nora. Um, I haven't got anything scheduled for Friday afternoon." she said, scanning the papers laid out on the desk in front of her. "If you could just give me a time and place?"

"O-Of course." he beamed. He clearly hadn't expected her to agree. The pure excitement on his face made Alyssa smile.

Perhaps there was some good left in Gotham after all.

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