Chapter 11

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ELSANA: "Hey Trent?"

TRENT: "Yes Elsana."

ELSANA: "Could you use your laser arrows to destroy the sign up there?"

TRENT: "Anything for you my lovely."

I took out my dino sword and drew the symbol in the air then sent the arrows flying towards the sign. They blew up and I used my newly found power to create the new letters out of scrap metal that was laying around. Then I levitated the letters to sitting on top of the building. I read them. They spelled out...


ELSANA: "There. Perfect!"

TRENT: "Why Abby?"

ELSANA: "Do you think it's a good idea to put Elsana on the roof? No one would come!"

TRENT: "Yea you're probably right." 

ELSANA: "Now power down so we don't attract them just yet."

"To late for that!"

We turned around and saw Kira, Ethan, & Conner standing there. 

ETHAN: "Ok this is so not cool! Destroying the Cyber Cafe, Really?! That was the coolest hang out ever!"

KIRA: "Dude really? That's what you're worried about?"

CONNER: "Yea I agree with Kira."


ELSANA: "Rangers don't worry. The Cafe will still have some of the old stuff. Like the computers and the video games."

TRENT: "But we will also be adding a jungle theme, a small dojo, a real recording booth, better food, and two great people running it."

ELSANA: "Actually, make that 5 people."

TRENT: "What are you talking about babe?"

ELSANA: "Well I've decided to bring Elsa, Zeltrax, & Conner into the picture."

CONNER: "What?! I will never work for you!"

I watched as Elsana's eyes started to glow and she raised her hand slowly. Conner rose from the ground and it was like he was in a trance.

ELSANA: "Repeat after me. I will obey Elsana and Trent."

CONNER: "I will obey Elsana and Trent."

ELSANA: "Elsana and Trent are my masters."

CONNER: "Elsana and Trent are my Masters."

ELSANA: "If the rangers get in the way, I will fight along side my masters."

CONNER: "If the rangers get in the way, I will fight along side my masters."

Then I watched as Elsana slowly put Conner down. He walked over to us and stood beside us.

ELSANA: "Good now Trent will you call Zeltrax and Elsa for me. I need help designing the Cafe."

TRENT: "Of course my love."

ELSANA: "Thank you baby."

She kissed me then walked into the Cafe. Conner followed her. I turned to Kira and Ethan.

TRENT: "You might as well not try to get him back. It won't work. Elsana has great power. She can control anyone she pleases.'

KIRA: "You sure she's not controling you?"

TRENT: "Of course not! When the evil gems bonded with us, we became bonded as well. We are inseperable. I will never leave her side. She needs me. I love her. I always will."


TRENT: "Bring forth the power of the white dino gem to create an invisi-portal!" 

The invisi-portal appeared and I stepped through.

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