The Beginning of Loss

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It started out with a simple kiss. But my insane mind couldn't see, "My love for you was bullet proof, but you're the one who shot me." I shot you down, but missed your heart, why? I'll never know. I love you I hate you I'm so confused PLEASE. DON'T. GO. Today changed, you said, "I want to be the one. The friend you fall hopelessly in love with. I want to be worth your time. I want to feel your skin on fire. The one you take into your arms, and into your bed, and into the private world you keep trapped in your head." I'm rooted to the ground, spinning while standing. Dizzy in my blood and my bones, and I'm breathing like I'm the first human who's ever learned how to fly, like I've been inhaling the kind of oxygen found in the clouds. I think, "Never again will I be shy. Never again will I go down to the ground." I'm dead but alive is what he makes me feel. We look at each other, breathing the same air, THIS. IS. REAL. I can't understand while I can still hear him speaking because I'm dead, I'm already, I've died over and over again. He's holding my face and looking at his hands like he can't believe he's caught me, they're holding this bird who's always so desperate to fly away. These hands have never held weapon, never touched death. These hands are perfect and kind and tender. He leans in, so careful. Breathing and not breathing and our hearts start/stop beating. Between us. He's so close. So damn close. I can't feel my fingers, my legs, or the cold. I only feel him, everywhere, as he holds me. "Please," he whispers, "Please," he says, "Don't shoot me this time." And he kisses me. Our lips touch and I know I'm going to split at the seams. He kisses me softly, then stronger, like he's lost me and he's found me and I'm slipping away but he's never going to let me go...

-A note from Chris (ME!)

       Hey guys, just thought I'd tell you what inspired this story. Kind of true, a guy named Collin, who was my first kiss (I had it late, don't judge me!) and I loved him, but I wrote this then. Later on he broke my heart :( Oh well, I hope you like it, and message me if you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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