realization ~ Part 45

Start from the beginning

sanskar hugged her "cool swara I was just kidding now everything is fine na stop crying plz "

swara is still crying badly by hugging him

sanskar; (in mind ) it means swara don't know anything about my accident we got separated by silly misunderstandings

"something is fishy from sathvik I need to find wts his real intention '

sanskar came out of his thoughts when he felt wet on his shirt due to swara tears

sanskar; (caressing her hair ) swara stop crying plz look at mee

sanskar; (swara is still sobbing he shouted by cupping her face ) look at mee

swara controlled her tears somewhat

sanskar; (clearing her tears ) I was here in front of you, with you

not only now always I will be with you 24/7

"I can bear anything but I can't bear separation from you

I can't see tears in your eyes

so plz stop crying I don't wanna spoil my special ngt

swara ; hugged him hard ) I am sorry sanskar

sanskar whispered "I love you swara "

both fell on the back on the bed by hugging each other

sanskar is thinking to change topic mainly her mood at that time he saw a mark on her neck it is slightly visible from her hoodies t-shirt

sanskar; (swara wts that mark on ur neck

swara; (she placed her hand on her neck ) where

sanskar; on ur right side

swara; oh u forgot it ah it bcoz of you only

sanskar;(surprised) wt I did

swara; oh hello let me remain you on our office out of ur frustration u bit me twice and thrice it turned like this

Sansakar; oh no but say me this did you got angry for all my acts which  I did on those seven days

swara; (blushes ) noo I enjoyed a lot too

sanskar;(winking smile ) ho shall I do this again

swara; (shocked) oh hello I said the time, I spent is enjoyable not ur bits ok

sanskar; cha .. too bad swara swara did you said sathvik that you confessed mee

swara; no actually I slapped him for misbehaving with you so I had not talked to him still , tomorrow I will say

sanskar (laughs ) noo don't say to anyone until I say

swara ; why sanskar he will feel happy na

sanskar; just for fun plz don't say

swara; ok as u say

TU MERI MANNAT (slow editing ..... On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now