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Miko and Ichigo are now thirteen and very strong. They both graduated a month before their parents did from the academy. Miko developed the sharingan at the young age of seven years old. She was on a mission with her team and saw Ichigo die, though later found out that it was a genjutsu after Ichigo took out the enemy. Miko, with Itachi's help mastered it in no time. Ichigo on the other hand at the age of five developed the rinnigan, now having purple eyes with dark purple rings throughout them. I read and read the scrolls to help my son as did Itachi, Ichigo has trained hard and is still training hard so he can continue to improve his abilities. When the twins were two, (y/n) became pregnant with another child. A male which they named Kisuke, he is now the age of twelve and is just like his brother. He has developed the rinnigan. A year after Kisuke was born, (y/n) was pregnant once again with another boy. They named him Byakuya, who is now eleven years old, who developed the sharingan at a young age as well.


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-Daddy's girl

-Second born



-Admired by many (males ; ) )

-Protective of family

-Loves Toshiro

-Loves Toshiro

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-Mama's boy

-First born


-Keeps a cool head in battle

-Hard to read (Face)

-Protective of his family

-Protective of his family

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-Daddy's boy (?)

-Third born


-Although younger, is protective of Miko and of (y/n)

-Wants to be just like Itachi

-Wants to be just like Itachi

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-Daddy's boy(?)

-Fourth born

-Calm and collective

-Seems uncaring, but cares a lot

-will do anything to protect family

-Shows up at least 20 min early to any kind of meeting

~Miko's p.o.v~

I was walking around the village when a group of boys surrounded me. They were all trying to get my attention and affection. I was trying to turn them down as nicely as I could. They just kept on coming, and just when I was about to yell I heard someone shout. "Almighty push!" The voice yelled and the boys were sent flying. I look over to see Ichigo with his hands out. Kisuke and Byakuya where behind him with wide eyes. Ichigo was the first to walk towards me, once he reached me, he held me at arms length and looked me over.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" Kisuke asked, also looking me over.

"If they did, we will have to crush them." Byakuya spoke quietly. I sweat dropped and waved them away.

"Why are you three always like this. I can handle myself, plus two of you are younger then me." I spoke. Causing them to sweat drop.

"Come on sis, you now we love ya and don't want them to hurt you is all." Kisuke spoke, with a blush. I just shook my head with a smile.

"I know, I do the same thing to you boys when girls won't leave you alone." I spoke to the three of them. We all chuckled and headed home.

"Hey sis, did you ever find out why that guy left before your date the other day?" Kisuke asked as we started walking.

~Itachi's p.o.v~

"I still can't believe mister 'calm' scared that poor boy so bad the other day. You couldn't just let them have a nice date? He was a nice boy." (y/n) spoke as she chopped up the meat for dinner as I did paperwork.

"He wasn't good enough for her. If he was he wouldn't have left." I spoke. I saw (y/n) shake her head with a laugh.

"Oh well. I still think she will end up with Kakashi's boy, Toshiro. He is so handsome, plus he blushes whenever Miko is around...The boy thinks I can't see it through his mask." (y/n) spoke, muttering the last part to herself.

"I guess he is alright. Much better then all those other boys, but he does read those perverted books." I grumbled, causing my wife of over thirteen years to laugh. "What's so funny?" I questioned.

"I read them too, their are actually quite good...besides where do you think I got those moves from the night Kisuke was conceived..." (y/n) spoke, having no shame and making me blush red remembering that night.


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-Kakashi's only child

-Just like his father...books and all

-Fourteen years old

-Loves Miko

-Protective of family and loved ones

-Has a mask, wears it all the time

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