~Chapter 3~

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I almost tripped when I saw the size of these wolves. I didn't have time to see how big they where since I was trying to get home before they could catch me.

I knew that no matter how fast I ran, they would be faster. instead of sprinting strait ahead for the village, I made zigzags so they would get confused on which direction I was going. I kept running until I had finally reached the village but the wolves still came at me.

"I have to lead the wolves away from everyone else" I thought to myself and made a sharp turn to the right where the alleyway was. "I may be able to loose them here" I thought to myself as I ran into the abandoned alleyway. The alleyway is like a maze and no one ever really comes in here because they always end up lost. I grabbed my dagger while running incase they did catch me. I knew I would most likely get caught.

At that thought I ran through the alleys taking different turns at every corner,  until I though I had lost the wolves. I gasped for air when I finally came to a stop.

After a moment of just breathing in air I looked up from where I stood. I knew I was almost out of the alley because I could see the faint outline of the market. That meant I was close to the middle of town.

I started to smile with relief but then it turned to a frown. I wasn't home yet so that meant I was still in danger.

I then started to jog to the market instead of run so I could catch my breath. The sound of the wind was calming at this time. But not calming enough to slow my heartbeat from the incident that had just been played.

I soon slowed down to a walk once I reached the end. But that was probably my second mistake because the second later I got knocked to the ground from a strong force. My instincts kicked in and I pushed whatever had ran into me off.

I quickly got up looked around  but soon regretted it. I stared wide eyed at the sight before me.

A large wolf sauntered towards me as I backed up searching frantically for my dagger that I had dropped when I got knocked back. The wolves eyes watched me back up as it got ready to attack me as I was defenseless.

Not even a second later the wolf suddenly jumped at me at the same time as I grabbed the fallen dagger. With force I slashed the dagger right in front of me right before-

Hello Awsome readers! Its DJ! I finally caught up with the summary so now the chapters are going to be a lot longer and better! Please leave a comment below on what you and maybe a Vote? Bye!

DJ Out!

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