Chapter Eight

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**Jadrina's POV**

People were working, wearing a pink uniform and a bright smile while helping pregnant women. We finally arrived to the hospital and I still felt the pain from before when we were at school. But to be honest, what really bothered me was that girl who followed me. 

"Jadrina hurry up!" Carol said with impatience.  I snapped out of my thoughts and walked faster to where she was, standing next to the counter of the entrance. The woman sitting down smiled brightly and gave us all her attention. Her name was Martha.

"How can I help you two young ladies?" she said so joyfully, I was doubting about what kind of person she was. 

"Yes, I have an appointment with Ms. Lancaster," Carol spoke with such grace. I knew right away she was trying to fool the woman in front of us into thinking she's older than she looks. 

"Ah yes, Miss Lancaster! Go to B-344 on the second floor." Martha said. I don't know if it was only me, but I felt a bad vibe from her. Almost as if she wanted to harm us. I quickly shook off the feeling. How can a nurse hurt us at a moment like this?

We went inside the elevator and waited in an awkward silence. That is, until my mother spoke.


"Yeah?" I asked. She paused before continuing, "Thanks for being here," she said toughly, as though it took all her pride to say that. 


"I said thank you. I mean if I was in your place, I most likely wouldn've ditched this event... Because of what happened. You really surprised me, with all the horrible things I've done to you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am sorry," she said with full honesty. I felt like crying because the emotion I felt is just inexplicable. 

"Jay, can you forgive me?" she looked at me with her sad blue eyes. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I said. We shared a lovely and warm hug together. 

I thought about Harry and the plan. I felt terrible stabbing my mother in the back after her little confession. So I came up with a brilliant idea

"I have a question," I said awkwardly as the elevator doors slid open. 


"It's going to sound weird but, is the baby Harry's?" I asked nervously.

She looked at me puzzled by the question. "I'm not sure anymore," she admitted. I turned towards her with wide eyes. She had sex with other men?

"How many relationships did you have?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later, we are here already." She pointed at the door B-344. She knocked weakly and within a second the door opened widely. Inside was Ms. Lancaster. Her being a tall brunette with grey eyes. She looked exactly like that girl who followed me.

"Welcome, welcome ladies! Please install yourselves," she indicated us to the chairs. We took a seat on the blue-ish colored chairs and waited for Ms. Lancaster to speak.

"So, I need you to fill in this sheet of paper Carol, then we may get started," she informed us. "In the mean while, ill have a chat with-" she trailed off looking toward me.

"Jadrina," I smiled.

"Jadrina, what a nice name! Who picked it?" She asked.

"My parents, of course."

"Whats their names?" she asked. Even though I found the questions a bit too personal, I answered with pride. But remembering that my mother was here present, I faked the names.

"Um.. Karla and John," I answered. Ms. Lancaster lost her smile and started searching for something in her bag. It was a shot of a vaccination of I don't know what.

"This might hurt a bit Carol," she smiled devilishly and injected the needle in my mother quickly before her realizing what was happening. My mom fell on the floor unconsciously.

I was astonished by what just happened and got up, heart racing and a moist feeling in my hands starting. I still didn't manage to say anything.

"Speechless I see Jadrina? Don't act stupid. We both know you aren't from here," she said harshly.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me? The real question here is why are you in the 90s when you belong in 2014?" she approached menacingly. I looked at her wide eyed.

"What? How.. how-"

"How do I know?" She interrupted me, finishing my question off before continuing. "I'm a time traveler, myself. My purpose is to prevent idiots like you to come and destroy the past."

"So how do I go back?" I asked. I could feel my whole body tremble with fear. 

"You don't," That same devilish smile was plastered on upon her face as she finished her sentence, "I have to kill you," she said raising her arm, revealing a knife in her hand causing my fear to erupt to the absolute extreme. 


Heeellloo! i am so sorry it took a lot of time but very busy this month, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter :) the action begins next chappiie! tell me what you think of this? share your opinions. Will Jadrina make it out alive or ...? see you soon lovelies:)-carinna

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