Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

I was waiting for the  drive to end. I just wanted to go back home, into my room and sleep away. It was 2 in the afternoon and I'd like to sleep for awhile. It seems like I have a lack of energy and I wonder why.

"So um we will be at Carol's in 2...." Harry announces not taking his eyes off the road.

I can't stand my father, I mean why did he leave my mother for another girl? Wasn't he in love with my mom? The question was eating my alive and I decided to girl up and ask him.

"Harry... why did you leave my mother?"

"What did I said about calling me Harry" he said in a serious tone. But I can clearly see he was trying to change the subject.

"Answer me.... dad!" I spat out. He just continued driving. After a while he answered me.

"Because I didn't love her anymore"

"You decided that after you got her pregnant?" I restrained myself to not call him bad words.

"I suggest you shut up if you don't want to be grounded Jenna!"

"Its Jadrina goodness dear lord!" I exclaimed and opened the door. We were already here at my house. I rushed inside without looking at my father or saying anything.

I knocked violently at the entrance. In a heart beat my mother opened the door and hugged me tightly.

"How was your day sweetie?" She asked while pulling me inside.

"Why don't you ask my 'father'" i said and ran up to my room. I lay in my bed and closed my eyes. How could he be so thoughtless!

Not even 5 minutes later I hear are pretty heavy discussion made downstairs. Don't tell me they are fighting!

I sneak downstairs and hide behind a wall. 
"What have you done this time Harry?" My mother said harshly.

"Have you ever heard about a little saying 'none of your business' I think you should repeat it a few times!" My father fought back.

"You know what I have no time with your bullshit get out!" My mother yelled, obviously not liking his comment. 

"Yeah, I'll gladly get out of this shit hole you calm home" he commented and slammed the door.

My mouth was wide open. How could he have said that? I soon hear whimpering coming from my mom.

That's it I thought. This is the last day my father will ruin my life. I went upstairs and slammed the door.

I was about to call 911 to have restricted orders against him but I was stopped by an odd feeling coming from my throat.

It felt heavy and it was hard to swallow. My eyes felt watery and my legs were wobbly. I slid down on my door and tears began to slide off my cheek.

Its not the first time I see my mom cry. Its not the first time I hear my mom yell over the phone and it's definitely not the first time I go to psychologists to help me with all the crap that's happening.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

I cried some more when my window let in a gush of cold wind, hitting me lightly. I close my eyes and tried to feel the coldness on my skin. For some odd reason I felt myself calm down.

When I reopened my eyes I saw the black sky lightened by one big star. It was shining brightly in my room.

I checked the clock on my desk and it was already 9 pm... wow did I cry a lot..

I don't know if it's because I'm weird but somehow my body was controlling me to get closer to my window. I looked out and dropped my head in defeat.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I whispered to myself.

"I wish I could travel in the past and fix this nightmare..." I tightly closed my eyes.

"Pretty please?" I say while crying. I then went on my bed and got under th covers.

I slowly begin to fall asleep not because I'm tried.... I'm just tired to live this shit life.


"Wake up, wake up!" A high pitched voice said.

"Mmm..." I groaned and turned on my side.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" It screamed. I yelled in anger and opened my tired eyes to see a bird in front.

"Huh?" I said while raising my eyebrow.

"WAKE UP!! It's time to go to school" the Bird said while moving it's head up and down.

I still didn't manage to move. I look around and noticed my surroundings weren't the same.

My laptop was gone. My phone was gone. My clock my was. Almost all my electronics were gone or replaced with old ones.

I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. As I opened the door of my bedroom I quickly turned around towards the bird.

"Do you understand me?" I asked.

"You're late for school" it said.

I ignored his reply and went towards the bathroom which is across the hall. I quickly checked the house. It was all differently made. The floors were an ugly patterned flower tiles and the walls were a light beige color. Everything seemed so antic!

I was about to go to the bathroom when a mid-aged lady came in site.

"Jadrina you have to fix yourself quickly! You are late for school!" She said while handing me freshly cleaned clothes.

"Um thanks.... who are you?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

"You work for me silly! Plus you live with us... " She said confusingly. The woman looked about 30 to 40 years old and had short brown hair. She was wearing a uniform which we can see her name tag.

I gasped when I read the name.

"Jadrina just go get ready or else you aren't going to that party!" She turned around and went downstairs.

I just stayed still. I can't believe it's her. She's so young...

Her name was Wilma... she's my grandmother!


Heeellooo! This is harrys_my_slut talking;) we hope you like this chapter and story! I don't know if it's rushed or not but I tried making it lonngggg for you guys;)

Also I'd like to say that I read comments and I  enjoy reading them cuz they help us improve and is an encouragement! But one said if harry was 36 or 40 and I have to say that we actually didn't thought about that... so imagine harry in his late 30s early 40s;)

Also give us some slack! I actually don't know anything from the 70s-80s... I'm gonna have to ask my mom;) anyways remember that we are trying our best and appreciate every comment and vote.

Don't think we don't read them.... we do;)

Anyways have a nice day *kisses* *bissoux* - Carinna

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