New Friends?

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"Is it just me, or does Ms. Krimpt always seem to look like she chewed up a lemon?"

"Hah! You're right. She never smiles, does she?"

"Oh no, I've seen her smile   .   .   .   when one of her students' dog died."

"Hey, but anyone would laugh at that."

"Your right I guess, it is pretty hysterical."


"You just had a schedule change, right?"

"Yeah, first semester had me all messed up."

"I'll help you to your next class. Here, lemme see your schedule."

"I think I have Biology next, right?"

"Good memorization, it would've taken me a week to know that!"

"Well, you kinda need it in advanced classes."

"Tell me about it, I can never get more than a fifty on those vocab quizzes in Advanced English."

"Oh, those aren't too hard, it just takes a lot of repetition is all."

"What English teacher do you have- or did it change this semester?"

"I have the same teacher, Ms. Reynolds."

"Me, too! What period are you in?"

"Third now, you?"

"Oh, I have fifth."

"Just missed you then, huh."

"Yeah, guess so."

"What elective do you have?"

"You can't laugh."

"I won't. Promise."


"Why would I laugh at that?"

"Oh, I don't know. 'Cause everyone does. Weird, hearing about a teenage boy in choir."

"Well, no, it's not. And I think you'll come to find, I'm not everyone."

"No, I guess you're not."

"Welp, here we are."

"Johnson, Pre-AP Biology."

"Yeah. See you around, I guess."


"See you around."


"My name is Christina, but my friends just call me Christi."

"I'm Leo."

"It was nice meeting you, Christi."

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