Chapter 5 - Walk Away

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They had been lying next to eachother in Miles' bed for hours. Their clothes were strewn all over the floor and the sheets clung to Vivianna's bare skin. She inhaled deeply and sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. The boys hand lightly grabbed her arm, but she shook it loose and proceeded to scurry to pick up her clothes and half-run into the en-suite bathroom.

As soon as the door clicked shut, she pulled the bolt and threw her clothes on messily. Her back crashed against the wooden door and she slid to the ground, her head falling into her hands. She had never felt this terrible. It was one thing being the rebound, but and entirely different thing being the rebound for someone who's boyfriend had just died. 

Her eyes began to fill and her hands were trembling ever so slightly. She was overreacting, but she couldn't help but be reminded of what had happened. The situation wasn't the same, far from it, but Miles had had the same look in his eye as Poppy had when Vivianna saw her last. The guilt tore her apart from the inside, but admitting to what she had done would have cost her her freedom, and she wasn't prepared to sacrifice whatever shred of hope that she had left.

A soft knock came from the other side of the door. Vivianna ignored it and scrambled over to the mirror. Her hair was sprawled messily over her head and her dark mascara had run down her cheeks. The knock was louder this time, a simple two beat pound on the hard mahogany. She ran her fingers through her hair and wiped her cheeks before proceeding to open it.

Miles stood there, wearing only boxer shorts. Her eyes scanned his abs, following the pattern that her fingers had traced just hours before. Aware that he knew she was staring, she tore her eyes away and snapped her head up to his face. They stared at eachother for a long moment, before Vivianna attempted to bury her head into his chest for comfort. Se hoped he would put his arms around her and hold her, but that was not the case. In stead, he pushed her gently so that her arms snapped back to her sides, a look of horror evident on her face. 

"What the heck, Miles?"

"No, what the heck to you! We have sex, then you run and lock yourself in my bathroom, and cry! That's ridiculous! Last time I checked, I was the one who just lost their boyfriend, not you! I don't get it, Vivianna. You have a great personality and you're fun to be around, so why are you throwing away your entire future?! It makes absolutely no sense!" Miles half-shouted, half-pleaded. "Please, just tell me what I'm missing!"

"I did some messed up stuff, I ruined people's lives, and now I've just got to live with that! I made a mistake and it has messed up everything! I'd rather this than the alternative."

"That's nothing to work with! What could possibly be worse than giving up your future for no apparent reason?! Whatever you did, unless you like, killed someone, can't be that bad!"

"Look, I can't do this." Vivianna sighed, pushed him out of the way, and headed toward his bedroom door.

"You need to talk to someone, V, and right now I'm all you've got." Miles said.

Vivianna didn't even turn to look at him as she approached the exit, "Well I haven't got much then, have I?".

And she was gone.


so, I am incredibly sorry, I kinda gave up on this because I thought no-on was reading, but I log back on and I have almost 500 reads, which doesn't seem like a lot but to me that's absolutely freaking crazy, so thankyou!! 

the name of this chapter comes from a song by LANY, who I've been listening to a lot recently, and I really like them.

so anyway, thankyou so much for the love! I can't tell you when the next chapter will be up, because I don't do schedules, but it will not be three months, I promise you.

-H xx}

Dissident // Degrassi AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora