13 The Greenroom

Começar do início

“That’s not the point,” I drop my hand as I feel his cup my face.

He gently pulls my face up to look at him, “It doesn’t matter. We already talked about it. Don’t let him influence you.”

“They want to replace you,” I can feel the water building up in my eyes.

For some reason, the idea or Toph being interchanged by just anyone of someone else’s choosing makes me furious. I tell myself it’s because he’s my best friend and means a lot to me. But, in all reality, I’m just pushing the actual reason away from my mind.

My jaw stays firm and I blink a couple of time. I refuse to let any tears shed.

He chuckles lightly as he lets go of my face and wraps his arms around my waist, “They can’t replace me. I’ll still be here.”

My forehead leans into his chest even as my arms are still slack by my sides, “You’re really messing with my head.”

He laughs again then kisses the top of my head, “I’m just repaying the favor.”

Tucking my arms between us, I turn my head to the side and close my eyes, “Can we order Chinese and be lazy for the rest of the day?”

“No,” Johnny’s voice pulls me out of our embrace. I, reluctantly, take a step back as Topher drops his arms, “You have an interview in about two hours. We have to leave now.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I tell him flatly.

“Actually,” he looks bored as he puts two fingers to his temple, “you will be getting in the car that’s waiting for us and we will be going to the Brikk Walford Late Night set and you are giving an interview to clear all this up.”

“I’m not telling them that I married some girl,” I arch an eyebrow at him.

He sighs and gestures the hand that’s not holding his head toward us, “Obviously.”

“What’s that mean?” Toph questions with irritation in his voice.

My manager lets out a huge sigh and drops his hands, “I didn’t realize that you guys were so in love.” It looks like it was painfully annoying for him to say that, “I need to make a few phone calls. We need to start heading to the studio. Let’s go.”

When he realizes I’m not following, he turns to face me, “What’s the problem now?”

“If I’m going, Christopher is coming with me,” I state boldly.

Rolling his eyes and breathing in heavily, he gestures toward the door, “Come on, Topher. Apparently, we are taking a family vacation. I was lucky to get this spot; you’re not ruining it.”


Turns out by ‘car’, Johnny meant limo. He decided to sit up front with the driver, and close the sound proof window, to make the phone calls he spoke of.

“Who do you think he’s phoning?” I ask Toph as we sit side-by-side in the back. We’re both leaned back so that our heads are rested on the top of the seat, staring at the ceiling.

I feel, more than see, his shoulders raise and drop, “Linda for sure. Other than that, it could be anyone’s guess.”

I move my head to rest on his shoulder and lace my fingers through his, “This is a lot of trouble. You really want to go through this?”

“If it’s for you, I do,” he tells me as he lays his cheek on top of my head.

“What if we ruin our careers?”

Save My Day (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora