Yay for gay sympathetic nøkken

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Slenderfluid LethalDaydreamer
I know u never go on anymore but I thought you would like this gay piece of crap

So I was playing on doll makers and I ended up creating a sad gay nøkken
It's less of s character description and more of a tiny story

The Nokken and the Prince.

He couldn't fiddle to save his life. And he knew it. But for Prince Jerrik, it was his last hope. About to married off, he needed a reason to stay an independent Prince. To not marry a woman. He was weak, prone to colds, and while he was muscular, he had no time to show it, with his short stamina.
    He could not shoot. He could not fight. He could do nothing of use to the kingdom. But if he could entertain, if he could fiddle...

    It was a flawless plan, except for that little, first fact. He could not play any instrument, let alone a fiddle. But he could not, would not, be married to a woman.

    Desperate times counted for desperate measures. If he could not fiddle on his own, he would make his fiddle enchanted. But there was only one to do that. And that was to make an offering to the nøkken; the awful freshwater spirit of the pond.

   And so he trekked out, to the nearest pond a nøkken occupied. In his left hand he carried two bottles of brandy. In his right was his fiddle. In his pocket, a very small dagger. He was scared. But he was more scared of being bound to a future he didn't want.

    He imagined what he wanted his music to sound like. He wanted it to sound every bit melodic and graceful as the legendary music of the nøkkens. He imagined it vividly. In fact he could almost hear it...

    Yes, there it was! But he wasn't imagining it. His feet picked up pace, his body moved on its own. He found the pond, he dropped the items, he jumped in. He had to go in. He had to find the nøkken.

    The water came fast to his face. The music stopped, and he panicked. A figure appeared in the distance. Pushing aside water lillies, he flailed across the pond floor, out of the shallows, to the middle, where he knew the spirit was.

    Then he dropped into the water. He didn't know how to swim.

    Jerrik woke up, feeling wet, and cold. Something covered him. It felt... Plantlike. He opened his eyes, and he saw the shadowy figure from before. Except, he saw the nøkken clearly.

    The first thing he noticed were the dimly glowing eyes, glowing with a yellow green color, the color of the pond. They were sunken in, dark surrounding them, and had no pupils or irises. However, they looked curious of him. The second thing he noticed was his skin. It was white, ghostly grey and had peculiar lines all over it, matching his pure white hair. Like an old birch tree. And the last thing he noticed... Was that he wore no clothes. His eyes darted back up to the nøkken's, feeling himself blush.

    "What is your purpose here." The handsome creature asked. His voice was not as scary as legends told. It was a little raspy, like he had been coughing, but it was very calm and soothing.

     "You give me an offering, and then attempt to drown yourself. So, you have my attention. Tell me why you are here."

    Jerrik couldn't breathe, or think. He was sitting on a cluster of water lillies,  with a handsome, deadly creature's attention focused on him. But after a few moments of staring into the nokken's calm eyes, he was able to spoke.

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