Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Trina comes out the house, dressed in this dress that hugs her milk chocolate skin. The brown and gold interchanges through the triangle pattern that surround her breast and pinch her small waist, her thighs and ass fill in the bottom just enough to leave a little free flow at her knees. Perfect length for a girl as small and petite as Trina. Louis Vuitton glasses push back the crown of her deep wave, Remy weave, leaving her almond shaped, honey eyes exposed. A diamond tennis bracelet and brown pumps accent her whole look.

"See you later, Hun! I work late tonight, so don't wait up," Trina says to Donald through the car window, while backing out the two-car garage. She backs to where her bumper faces a small bush, then turns to follow the slight curve at the beginning of their stone driveway. Manhattan's known for its beautiful homes and the Parker's have one of the most beautiful ones in their neighborhood. It wasn't huge, but it had plenty of space for a family of three.

"Okay sweetheart, don't work too hard. Your dinner will be in the fridge when you get home," says. Donald, while admiring his wife Trina one last time before she left for her day at work.
Then he goes back in the house and notices Trina's Samsung Galaxy 7, house keys, and Chicken Ceaser salad on the kitchen counter. "Honey wait! You forgot your lunch, keys, and phone."

Donald chases her down their long and wide driveway, only making it to where Trina's rose garden's planted before she entered the busy streets of Manhattan. A bit out of breath, he heads back in the house and puts the lunch and phone on the counter. With purpose, he heads to the shower. He has plans to surprise Trina at work.

"Daddy, I'm off to school," says Donny.

Trina and Donny's son is a handsome, well mannered, young man. He has caramel skin and stands a skinny 5'8" tall, and has the most beautiful eyes, they are hazel with a hint of green. He wears his hair in a tapered fro and makes his uniform look swagged out. Even though it's the same slacks and polo shirt everyone else wears, he adds a fancy belt buckle that makes a world of difference. It has an eagle with its wings spread out, that's tagged with his name. He rocks his Loui baton book bag with an array of colors and a matching hoodie for his outerwear.

"Okay Donny, you better not be late, young man," yells Donald from the shower.

"I won't I promise," he says as he rushes out the door.

While Donald finishes up his shower he thinks he hears something. He pauses for a second, looks out the door quickly and doesn't see anything, so he closes it back. Donald grabs the towel off the rack and wraps it around his waist, once he got done. To avoid slipping he slides his feet into his shower shoes. Donald is handsome! He's tall at 6'4", has a muscular build and rich chocolate skin. Beads of water on his skin glisten as he moves under the overhead spotlights.

The couple of noises I make seem not to bother Donald much. All I want is to be noticed for once. I realize how attached I'm becoming. Instead of reacting to my cry for attention, Donald ignores me. I desperately want to come out the shadows to express how I feel.

"Hey honey, I was just on my way to come bring you your stuff," he says, assuming it was his precious Trina who made the sounds. He opens the door and sees no one.

He doesn't even turn my way.

Instead, he rushes to the bedroom and grabs this well-tailored suit that flatters his gorgeous body. It's slightly fitted and dark gray, he pairs it with a wine-colored dress shirt and a matching tie. This tie has a blend of wine, gold and gray, with a unique triangle pattern. He walks up to his mirror on the dresser and finishes the last little touches.

To his reflection, "Gotta look good when I walk into that office. I already know how them hoes talk." He heads to his silver Bugatti. It's fancy.

I don't know who he and that Trina think they are, but they ain't nothing special.

"I got two phones, one for the---" was bumping from the system.

About an hour later, Donald arrives at Trina's business, so he turns the music down. Donald knew to have his shit together when he got to her job. He didn't need any judgment from none of her fake ass employees. He parks the car and steps out, one wine-colored Louis Vuitton followed by another. He walks up to the huge building, which has several stories. The bottom one is the most appealing. It has glass windows and features one of Trina's fashion stores. Inside the display window is a mannequin dressed in one of Trina's hottest designs. The spring display features a colorful dress, with floral lace sleeves that fall off the shoulder.

I ain't gone lie that dress is bad.

Donald finally got inside and walks right past the desk attendant. She smiles as she greets him. "Hey Donald, Trina's in the office."

"Great just surprising her with lunch," he says, holding up her lunch without breaking his stride.

"Aww how sweet!" replies another of Trina's employees.

"My baby deserves the best. Fake ass hoes, nosey as hell!" he mumbles under his breath.

Momma I Made It: Novellete Series (Urban Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now