Background 3 years off middle school:

 Since Hyemi sets up the group's mood, she's never seen without at least one of the members with her. She never noticed how the group is falling apart until one time, a classmate came up to her and asked why she isn't with her group for a whole week. That's the only time she realized that they never meet each other because of many excuses. She tried to approach them but they all have different excuses not to, until she just gave up trying. She tried to befriend other classmates but it was different. Since she's the always happy one, she's not used to being sad and lonely. So when she lost the four girls, it was the hardest for her. Being an extrovert didn't do any help. She even got on a short depressive state which she only overcame when this guy, Seungyeon started annoying her and later on, making her laugh with his silly jokes. They're classmates on middle school and easily became friends with their matching personalities, not knowing that they knew each other since they were little.

Family & relations:

Do Byungjae - Father - 45 years old - business tycoon - 6

Park Yoonjo - Mother - 41 years old - fashion line ceo - 6

Roh Pilseok - Nanny - 61 years old - personal nanny - 10


• She has an ig @dohyemifasolati where she posts most of her photography

• She has a "like" book where she pastes printed photos and a short description of people who she thinks as cool

• She shares the same birthday with Yue, Yibo and Seungyeon.

• Her nanny's name is Pilseok but she calls her Maria because she saw it's a trend in animes and thought it's cool

• She has 7 different pets and she named them MonCat, MonDog, MonBird, MonHamster, MonMouse, MonFish, and MonTurtle

• She likes collecting headbands especially the cute ones

• She's known for her great love for headbands and flower icings

• She's a semi vegetarian and only eats meat when needed by the situation

• She likes maintaining her hair short, although there are times she grew them long


• Digital Arts

• Photography

• Performing

• Everything aestethic

• Headbands

• Flower Icings

• Animals


• Beetles

• People turning her down 

• Cold bath

• Seafood & Meats

• Science

• Dark & Eerie places


• Taking photos of everything

• Shopping for new and cute headbands

• Performing

• Making Digital Arts  


• Being Sad

• Being left alone

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